Quality Assurance queries in CFE

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Revision as of 13:06, 21 April 2016 by PTorres (talk | contribs) (QA checks)
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We have a bunch of Quality Assurance questions in CFE. Most of them currently have a backlog or errors. As the backlog gets eliminated we can add them to Centralized data Vetting Process.

QA checks

  1. NDC_missing_Ls(There is one pt with no comorbid and that is correct)
  2. NDC_discharged_incomplete
  3. NDC_Bad_Postal_Code
  4. NDC_Missing_TransferDate_w_pivot
  5. NDC_CLI_AcqDX_but_NoCLI_DateinTMPV2
  6. NDC_CLI_No_AcqDX_but_CLI_DateinTMPV2
  7. NDC_CLI_unacceptable_date
  8. NDC_VAP_AcqDX_but_NoVAP_DateinTMPV2 (see VAP Dx vs Tmp checking)
  9. NDC_VAP_No_AcqDX_but_VAP_DateinTMPV2 (see VAP Dx vs Tmp checking)
  10. NDC_VAP_unacceptable_date (see VAP Dx vs Tmp checking)