Sick Calls
Report sick days on the day taken, 1 hour before shift start, to the timekeeper Pagasa. Pagasa's article on the wiki or Pagasa's voice mail will contain alternate if she is away)
Minimal timeframe to report
Please review your collective agreement article 2305 in regards to the minimal time frame required to report to main office that you are not able to report to work due to illness. Prior to a day shift - 1 hr notice.
A nurse returning to work following an absence of one week or more shall inform the Employer (manager) by 1200 hours the day prior to returning to work.
Leaving sick
If you go home sick after starting a shift or for a physician appointment, you must notify timekeeper and or program team manager. This part of your shift will be coded a sick time.
Sick notification required even for flex days
Staff in the program have flex workdays however, this does not mean the common practice is to notify the main office of sick days one or two days AFTER they have already been taken. Timekeeper documents date and time of call.
Work injury reporting
For more information to to Work injury reporting