Previous Location field
This field is currently being implemented, please check the instructions and put a discussion for anything that isn't clear.
The Previous Location field contains the previous physical location of a patient before arriving at the collection location. .
Collection Instruction
For each patient,
- enter the option that most closely matches
- if you know the situation but nothing on the list matches closely, enter 'other - known but not listed
- if the situation is unknown, enter location missing/unknown
If you know the location exactly, you can type it. Otherwise press the "magic wand" button to take you to the S dispo chooser to help filter options if desired.
If this field contains a "temporary" location like an ER, OR or Cath Lab you will need to enter the Pre-admit Inpatient Institution field.
long term patients
- When we have patients moving from ward to ward, we normally do not go back to their original admission date to gather data especially as some patients have been admitted for over a year. Will it be acceptable to continue this practice?--CMarks 12:39, 2016 April 11 (CDT)
- someone who is moving from ward to ward their previous location would be the previous ward. So, I am not sure, what do you mean? Or are you talking about the Pre-admit Inpatient Institution field or the Previous Service field? Ttenbergen 18:21, 2016 April 11 (CDT)
Where to find this information
If patient came from a different Winnipeg hospital this will be recorded in the “Visit History” on the EPR.
- Sometimes it is missing from the Visit History. Can also use paper chart sent to your hospital from the sending hospital for information.
Is the list complete?
- anything missing? Ttenbergen 10:53, 2016 March 31 (CDT)
- In each location we need more options: currently you only have ER, ward or ICU. We also need OR, RR, and ACF.--LKolesar 10:14, 2016 April 15 (CDT)
- Hi all, for the Previous Location, Pre-admit Inpatient Institution, and Dispo fields could VIC_N4 (family medicine unit); VIC_S2 (surgery/medicine overflow); and VIC_N2 (surgery/medicine overflow) be added please? Not sure what is meant by VIC_N3F, this area (N3) is the location of the Mature Women's Centre and is an outpatient area. Thanks very much, Pamela Piche 12:11, 2016 April 15 (CDT)
- In each location we need more options: currently you only have ER, ward or ICU. We also need OR, RR, and ACF.--LKolesar 10:14, 2016 April 15 (CDT)
- HSC missing several wards on previous location only option is other HSC ward starting a list others please add in:H5,D6,B2,RR5,RR6,H3,A3,A5,D3,womens hospital,psych,H4H,H7A,..
- GRA_EMIP is not a previous location (those patients are only ever in the emerg department)
- missing GRA_S2, S4, S5, E4
- Is it okay to change W3 to S3? - it has not been called W3 for a long time as the unit was expanded and now takes up the entire south side.Mschaffer
Data Use
This data is used for tracking where most of the traffic on our units/wards comes from. For starters it will be reported to Critical Care (Randy Martin), who was also the requestor of this data.
Template:CCMDB Data Integrity Checks
The field is populated with options from the s_dispo table.
This field is part of the 2016 Time and Place changes.
It a combination of our previous