Created Variables CC 2021 table

The Created_Variables_CC_2021 table in CFE contains most of the profile-level derived Indicators for critical care profiles (see Created_Variables_Common_2021 table) and duplicates some related stored data for convenience . It is populated and used by the statistician for reporting and data extracts. Primarily these are the APACHE score and its components, e.g. Glasgow Coma Scale.

field type description source
D_ID text link to L_Log table relational derived
Birth date DOB from L Log table relational derived
age integer Age calculated
age_pts integer as per VBA Function ApScore_Age calculated
Transfer_Delay_CC single as per Transfer Delay (Critical Care), from Created transferDelay table calculated
ApTotal_Age byte twin of age_pts calculated
Ap_AdmitType text(10) Admit Type for APACHE II relational derived
hasChronic shortText(3) as per Created_APACHE_Chronic query calculated
Ap_Temp single Temperature from L Log table relational derived
temp_pts integer as per VBA Function ApScore_Temp calculated
Ap_APSysBP long Sys BP from L Log table relational derived
Ap_APDiasBP long Dias BP from L Log table relational derived
MBP integer Mean BP via VBA function AP_MeanBP calculated
BP_pts integer twin of MBP calculated
Ap_HeartRate integer HR from L Log table relational derived
heart_pts integer as per VBA Function ApScore_HeartRate calculated
Ap_RespRate long RR from L Log table relational derived
resp_pts integer as per VBA Function ApScore_RespRate calculated
Ap_Eye text(13) AP Eye field from L Log table relational derived
eye_pts integer as per VBA Function GCS_Eye_pts calculated
Ap_Motor text(19) AP Motor field from L Log table relational derived
motor_pts integer as per VBA Function GCS_Motor_pts calculated
Ap_Verbal text(26) AP Verbal field from L Log table relational derived
verbal_pts integer as per VBA Function GCS_Verbal_pts calculated
ApTotal_Neuro byte 15-(eye_pts + motor_pts + verbal_pts]) calculated
Ap_FIO2 single FIO2 from L Log table relational derived
Ap_PO2 single PO2 from L Log table relational derived
PO2_score integer as per VBA Function ApScore_PO2 calculated
Ap_CO2 single CO2 from L Log table relational derived
Ap_pH single PH from L Log table relational derived
ph_score integer as per VBA Function ApScore_pH calculated
Ap_SerCO2 single Serum CO2 from L Log table relational derived
SerCO2_score integer as per VBA Function ApScore_SerCO2 calculated
AaDO2 integer AaDO2 from L Log table relational derived
aado2_score integer as per VBA Function ApScore_AaDO2 calculated
abg_score integer as per VBA Function ApScore_ABG calculated
Ap_Na single Na from L Log table relational derived
na_score integer as per VBA Function ApScore_Na calculated
Ap_K single K from L Log table relational derived
k_score integer as per VBA Function ApScore_K calculated
Ap_Hemat single HCT from L Log table relational derived
hemat_score integer as per VBA Function ApScore_Hemat calculated
Ap_WBC integer WBC from L Log table relational derived
wbc_score integer as per VBA Function ApScore_WBC calculated
Ap_Creat single Creatinine from L Log table relational derived
Ap_ARF text(5) ARF from L Log table relational derived
creat_score integer as per VBA Function ApScore_Creat calculated
ApTotal_Physiological byte as per VBA Function ApTotal_Physiological calculated
ES text(255) IIf(InStr([Ap_AdmitType],"Elect")>0,"Y","N") calculated
ApTotal_Chronic byte as per VBA Function AP_Chronic calculated
ApTotal byte as per VBA Function APACHE_Total calculated
Site string from L Log table and s_dispo table relational derived
Ward string from L Log table and s_dispo table relational derived
Program string from L Log table and s_dispo table relational derived
RecordStatus text(20) RecordStatus from L Log table relational derived
activeLocation Yes/No "active" field from s_dispo table relational derived


This table populated by the Created _Variables_CC maker_2021 query when the Calc created variables button on the front screen of CFE is pressed.

It uses Created_APACHE_Chronic query.


This table replaced "Created_Variables_CC" table, which had earlier replaced Created Variables in TMSX or Med TMS.


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