Proposed Notes field default

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Revision as of 06:20, 25 October 2018 by DPageNewton (talk | contribs)
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Proposed Notes field default changes. Discussion continues until no one has commented for 7 days; at that point wherever this page settles becomes the new default.

  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories

We are thinking about changing the default for the Notes field (ie what is in there when a new patient record is first created). The idea is that we would like to make it as easy as possible for as many as possible of you to update this field with where you left off collection.

You will still be able to add any other stuff to the notes field as you might find useful.

Here is what we are currently proposing, please put in your suggestion of tweaks

(dd mmm) - read to
tiss checked to - (dd mmm)
pharm - (dd mmm)
Labs (incl imaging) - (dd mmm)

Some specific points: Template:Discussion

  • The initial proposal was to use a date format "(mm/dd)" (ie (24/10)); I find that problematic because we don't use that format elsewhere and using an all number format is ambiguous; that's why I changed it to dd mmm (ie 24 Oct) which will always be clear
    • I think this is a great idea. Personally, I always put the date AND time that I last reviewed a profile, so I know where I left off when it comes time to further review. Could we tweak it just a little more. Could we somehow add a time to the "read to" part. There can often be upward of 20 pages of epr notes to plow through in a single day. Having a time added would be very helpful. (As it stands now, I always include the time of my last review. DPageNewton 07:20, 2018 October 25 (CDT)