Only mark a task as performed if it was done during a patients stay on your ward. If a task was done prior to patient coming to your ward or after patient is transferred to another ward, it should be marked as no or none during the stay on your ward.
- possible entries:
- None
- Total GGM (gloves, gown, mask)
- GG (gloves and gown) -- (NEW - Added June 5.09--TOstryzniuk 17:35, 5 June 2009 (CDT))
- Total isolation are those patients that are complete that require gloves, gown, mask; hence there should only be a few patients with this task marked
- Trish, I have had patients that have been ordered on isolation by the Doctor for suspected TB. I have marked the Task Isolation Total. The tests have all come back negative and the isolation has been discontinued by order from the Doctor. Because the patients were ordered to be on isolation(and was on total isolation) I have kept the Task Isolation as Total and sent in the profile even though there is no infection to be linked to it. Is this correct?TAngell 10:37, 18 June 2009 (CDT)
- This element is collected not only for nursing work load but also as a quality indicator to facilitate future work on infection control.
- We decided not to code mask only isolation because it is both very common, doesn't relevantly correlate with anything, and takes very little time.
Data Integrity Rules
There are data integrity rules related to this task, see ! Automated Data Integrity Checks#Checks for Medicine for more details.