Team Meeting November 19, 2019

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Revision as of 12:12, 4 November 2019 by Ppiche (talk | contribs) (Agenda)
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Team Meeting

  • Date: Thursday Tues Nov 19, 2019
  • Time: 1330-1515 hours
  • Place: HSC - JL 399-B (Pagasa will have to let you in through doors.
    • 3rd floor use Thorlakson blg elevators

- See site map


  • EPR Reports Integrator
    • update of the progress of the pilot going on at HSC collection site
  • staff - hiring/retiring
  • data indicators - Julie
  • round table

Agenda Additions:

  • Introduction of workload splitting with use of the EPR report integrator process and tool provided to employees by management
  • Priority Project Requirement: A feasibility study conducted at St. Boniface site to review current use of EPR list management practices to gain a better understanding of processes and to complete a needs assessment. It is imperative that a site visit occur to ascertain whether the EPR Integration tool and process will be viable and usage will not adversely impact employee workloads at this site
  • How will EMIPs (Emergency Medical Inpatients) and Over (Off Ward) medical patients be included and distributed with use of the EPR Integration tool and process?
  • What programs and sites will have the Integration tool and process imposed and how will the employer ensure implementation is done in a manner that is reasonable and fair to all employees and consistent with the terms of the Collective Agreement?
  • How will workload be assigned and distributed amongst collectors using the EPR integration tool and process?
  • Will there be clearly defined boundaries established and consistency maintained with workload distribution that is fair and equitable and appropriate to position EFT’s?
    • If a site has three integrated collectors with .65, .65 and .7 EFT what is the split per 100 patient profile volume?
  • How will collectors be able to compare workload distribution numbers and totals amongst site collectors participating in the same Integration pool? How will this information be made available on an updated and ongoing basis?
  • Are there circumstances whereby the employer will impose further workload “redistribution” through on and off loading amongst collectors working in the same integration pool? Under what circumstances will this occur? Will discussion and notification occur with collectors that are directly impacted by such decisions prior to implementation?
  • Specifically what can collectors expect when a collector working in the same integration pool is away on sick leave?
    • Will workload continue to be assigned to a collector in their absence?
    • Will a written policy be provided to collectors by the employer to ensure implementation is done in a manner that is reasonable and fair to all collectors and consistent with the terms of the Collective Agreement?
  • Specifically what can collectors who work in the same integration pool expect with regards to workload assignment/distribution during times of vacation, extended sick, paid and unpaid leaves of absence?
    • Will workload continue to be assigned to a collector in their absence?
    • Will extra shifts continue to be made available and posted for collectors to pick up?
    • Will a written policy be provided to collectors by the employer to ensure implementation is done in a manner that is reasonable and fair to all collectors and consistent with the terms of the Collective Agreement?
  • Specifically what can collectors working in the same integration pool expect if collector(s) are lagging behind in terms of productivity?
    • Will a written policy be provided to collectors by the employer to ensure implementation is done in a manner that is reasonable and fair to all collectors and consistent with the terms of the Collective Agreement?
  • Specifically what can collectors who work in the same integration pool expect during times of position vacancy?
    • Will workload continue to be assigned to the vacant position?
    • Will extra shifts continue to be made available and posted for collectors to pick up?
    • Will a written policy be provided to collectors by the employer to ensure implementation is done in a manner that is reasonable and fair to all collectors and consistent with the terms of the Collective Agreement?
  • Employees reserve the right to ask further questions and to raise concerns

Next Meeting
