Axillofemoral bypass grafting

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Revision as of 10:15, 8 April 2020 by Agarland (talk | contribs)
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When we have an answer, this information should be moved to Template:CCI Guideline Vascular graft and linked as appropriate in Procure, Harvest, Obtain for Further Use. At the least, something linke "such as axillofemoral bypass grafting" needs to go in there so it can be found in future

  • AG REPLY -- code ax-fem bypass as (T) Arteries of Leg, NOS combined with Bypass. More generally, for other kinds of vascular bypasses (of which there are many), here are some thoughts:
    • The primary CCI coding should be the vessel being bypassed (i.e. the one with the blockage) combined with Bypass. Thus don't generally include the vessel SUPPLYING the bypass (e.g. in an ax-fem, the femoral is the one blocked and the axillary is supplying the blood to it via a bypass). Now IF they take a vessel from elsewhere (often a vein) to do the bypass, then you can also code the harvest by combining the vessel taken with Procure, Harvest, Obtain for Further Use. Obviously if they use a dacron graft, then there'll be no harvesting.
  • SMW

  • Cargo

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This page is about the pre-ICD10 diagnosis coding schema. See the ICD10 Diagnosis List, or the following for similar diagnoses in ICD10:

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Category: Cardiovascular Problems (old)


Category: Surgical Procedure (old)

Main Diagnosis: Axillofemoral bypass grafting
Diagnosis Code: 75700
Comorbid Diagnosis: No
Charlson Comorbid coding (pre ICD10): 0
Program: CC & Med
Status: Currently Collected