Team Meeting October 24, 2023

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1. Call to Order

  • Present: Rosanne, Lisa, Joanna, Stephanie, Gail, Pam, Michelle, Brynn, Mindy, Val Absent: Joyce, Mailah

2. Action Plans

3. Business Arising

  • 3.1 WRS2 has opened to 12 beds- for other sites this would be HSC_Med
  • 3.2 Salesforce update - No approval yet to move to Phase 4, Allan provided the history behind needing a new platform ie. limited storage in ACCESS, and to become PHIA compliant
  • 3.3 WRHA Corporate Reorganization- Rosanne has not heard anything re. the reorganization of the employees or the possibility of bumping into our program

4. New Business

  • 4.1 Tina's replacement- Tina has accepted a position back with us, no details yet of what that looks like for us
  • 4.2 New stroke ward to open in December location will be WRS5- will have 12 beds to start- For other sites this will be HSC_Ward
  • 4.3 Cross training for both ICU and Medicine program- meeting were held over TEAMS with the Grace collectors and the SBGH collectors. Grace is ready to go as all staff have been cross trained for both programs. SBGH was planning to start either Nov 1, 2023 or Nov 6, 2023, but now that Tina is returning, a discussion with Tina re. splitting laptops will be held. Lisa will reach out to SBGH once she knows more.
  • 4.4 Salesforce platform demo - Lisa provided a demo for collectors, Allan, Julie and Pagasa. Reinforced that this is the first build and that in Phase 4 the remaining outstanding crosschecks, TISS, temp project items, lab data, legacy etc will be built. Julie raised a question about data inconsistencies with the shared patient object and how we would be notified of the same. This was noted by Lisa and will be addressed at a meeting with PWC. (Price Waterhouse Cooper)

5. Round Table Items

  • There were no new items to be discussed from SBGH, HSC or Grace.
  • Joanna expressed her support and excitement about the new platform.

6 Date of Next Meeting:

  • January 23, 2024

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