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Revision as of 08:02, 11 September 2012 by Fschumacher (talk | contribs)
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The access file Regional Server\Output\imaging.mdb will be the data store for the import of RIS/PACS data.

Data to allow merging into TMSX will be written to the table Patients in the Imaging.mdb from CCMDB.mdb for all patient being sent by the query Send_Imaging.

Process to import data

  1. receive monthly email from Breanne Batters with last month's imaging data
  2. open Regional Server\Output\Imaging.mdb
    • import doesn't work with the data for some reason, so following steps:
    1. make copy of imp_blank table, name imp_<yyyy>-<mm>, e.g. imp_2012-01
    2. copy and paste data from Breanne's excel sheet into the table
    3. update the query 1_Union_Imports to include the newest table
    4. run (double-click, then Yes) query 2_import_streamer

Combined Data

The image data combined with patient data can be seen in query combiner.