Surgery for Post OP GI Bleeding

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Revision as of 21:01, 2012 December 6 by TOstryzniuk (talk | contribs)
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This page is about the pre-ICD10 diagnosis coding schema. See the ICD10 Diagnosis List, or the following for similar diagnoses in ICD10:

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Category: GI-OR (old)


[[:Category: Surgical Procedure (old)]][[Category: Surgical Procedure (old)]]

Main Diagnosis: Other Procedures
Sub Diagnosis: Post Op Bleeding GI
Diagnosis Code: 79415 - Post OP Bleeding GI
Comorbid Diagnosis: No
Charlson Comorbid coding (pre ICD10): 0
Program: CC & Med
Status: Currently Collected

This diagnosis is to be coded for the procedure to address a post gastro-intestinal (GI) surgery bleeding.

to code that a post surgery GI bleed occurred, see: Post OP Bleeding - GI.

Example, if patient is admitted to the ICU from the OR and there is no specific surgical code between 783 to 797 to use to code surgery was done to fix a GI bleed, this is the code used. This code is a surgical intervention/procedure.

Potential Change

Template:Potential Change This dx name is very similar to it's medical problem counterpart Post OP Bleeding - GI. If someone looked at the DX alone without considering it's diagnosis they would not have a chance to get it right. Could we officially rename it something like "Surg for post-op GI bleeding"?Ttenbergen 20:29, 2012 December 6 (EST)

  • how about: Surgery for Post OP GI Bleeding? Trish Ostryzniuk 20:52, 2012 December 6 (EST)
    • is this one for all post-op bleeding, then, not just GI? Ttenbergen 20:58, 2012 December 6 (EST)
  • General note: our DX code system was set up into sections that is why the codes are the way they are:
  • 1-599,medical problems (divided into organ systems)
  • 600-699,Trauma
  • 700-749,Malig or solid tumors
  • 750-848 Surgical procedures or medical interventions (divided into organ systems)
  • 849-950, Mixed bag section of other problems, procedures or medical intervention
    • I know. But with the way we access the codes now, with "find" and with the wiki, it is easy to miss which category something was in. And on the laptops collectors don't need to worry about the number ranges at all. I wonder if too many collectors have any codes at all memorized. I think making sure at least glaring ambiguities are fixed is worth it, even with ICD10 coming, considering how easy that fix is: change article name, and change name in s_alldiagnoses. I don't even think Julie would need to fix this, since at that end. Ttenbergen 20:58, 2012 December 6 (EST)