Bedside nurse education for TISS28

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Revision as of 18:07, 2012 December 19 by TOstryzniuk (talk | contribs)
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Material to educate bedside nurses about TISS28 was generated by the Critical Care Education department in collaboration with collectors, manager and bedside staff. Contacts are Maurita Kiesman and Basil Evan.


  • Are any of the below available as links to Basil or Maurita's location of these? With any luck, they have them available on the network as well. Would prefer to link to theirs to keep up-to-date on changes as they occur, and to delete our copies of their material. Ttenbergen 11:47, 2012 December 19 (EST)
    • no. This in on sharepoint for regional educator. We don't have access to it. Trish Ostryzniuk 18:07, 2012 December 19 (EST)

Bedside Nurse Education information is located:

  • Regional Server:\Admin\TISS_28_Dec12.12\TISS28_Student&ICU_NurseEducation
  • A copy is also located on X:/Admin/Special_Projects_TISS28

Maurita Kiesman created a PowerPoint presentation: