Admit From & Discharged To
The Admit From value defines the location from where a patient was admitted, the Discharged To value where they were discharged to.
Data Integrity Rules
- No discharge to current hospital's ER from anywhere
- If admit from ward, we need Med Var 1 - Admit-from Ward
- If discharge to ward, we need Med Var 2 - Discharge-to Ward
Special Cases
From other hospital via ER
If a patient is admitted to another hospital first, then transferred to your ER, then is sent up to unit, code that they were admitted from another hospital not your ER. Also indicate this in the Hospital Number Code box. If a patient comes from another hospital, goes to ER, then to OR, then to your unit code as admitted from OR, but in the hospital previous field put the center that they had been sent from.
From other hospital via Angio
If a patient comes from another center to angiography in your center, then to your unit, please record which site the patient was from prior to angiogram and in the hospital number code box put the center that they had been sent from.
Direct to Medicine from Ambulatory Care
DIRECT to Medicine are patients who the medicine service attending Dr. has already accepted to their service, but the patient is sent to the ER to wait for a ward bed.
Example of Direct to medicine from ambulatory care clinic: Admit FROM: HA Medicine service Accept date (date and time admitted to medicine service): is the date and time patient came to ER MOVE 1 – date and time patient actually arrived on the ward Comment for MOVE 1– type in as follows: parked in ER
If a patient is sent to ER from ambulatory care to be assessed by Medicine Service in ER to see if he should or should not be admitted to a med ward bed, then this is not a direct admission to medicine. Admit from is HE.
- does #2 still apply? Is ccmdb set up to accept this?
- I have seen a few patients in the database, who have admit from ZZ, yet they have a moved date a few days after being accepted to medicine. Admit from should be HE not ZZ if there is a move. If I see this then it is being interpreted as a direct to medicine from home but parked in ER. Does this happen? Let me know. (as per note from Trish from Dec 10.07)
- Before I left for mat leave the Moves were not yet collected. I was collecting for D4 at HSC who admit patients preop for renal transplants. I would code admitted from ZZ, because they were not seen in ER, they were pre-screened for admission, and came directly to the ward to receive their kidney and presented directly from home.--JHutton 09:44, 6 June 2008 (CDT)
Acceptable Data
These values always consist of two characters. The first letter designates the facility, the second letter the location in the facility.
For a list of allowed values, see your PDA or your Access Send Program.
The meanings for the codes are as follows. For patients who were admitted from a hospital outside of Winnipeg, also see the entry for hospital previous.
First Letters / Hospitals
Hospital/Site | First Letter |
HSC | H |
St Boniface | B |
Grace | G |
Concordia | C |
7 Oaks | K |
Children's Hospital | P |
Second Letters / Locations
Location | Code Key | Notes |
Ambulatory Care | A | Out pt dialysis, Day clinic, Day surgery, Cancer Clinic etc. (added Nov 24.04) |
Ward | W | |
CICU | V | St Boniface only |
Emerg | E | |
CCU | C | HSC and STB only |
Operating Room | P | |
SICU | S | Only at HSC and StB |
MICU | M | |
IICU | U | HSC only |
Recovery Room | R | |
Location Unknown | X |
Special Locations where only limited combinations are allowed
Misericordia Urgent Care | ME |
Misericordia Ward | MW |
Nursing Home | NW |
Deer Lodge | DW |
Riverview Center | RW |
St Amant | AW |
Non-Winnipeg Codes
- For any non-Winnipeg codes, the “hospital previous” number code must also be entered. (see Hosp number code table).
Outside City | X* |
Outside Province | Y* |
- what are acceptable second letters for X and Y?
- emailed Julie and Pagasa for review and commentsTOstryzniuk 19:40, 21 July 2008 (CDT)
- any thoughts?
- Don't forgot that the Victoria Hosp also collects data and has a hospital code "V" TAngell 09:16, 18 August 2008 (CDT)