Team Meeting December 10, 2013
- DATE: TUESDAY, December 10, 2013 (could not get the usual Wednesday)
- TIME: 1300-1500 hours
- Place: HSC-John Buhler Research Center Conference Room - JB700
- See second map on HSC site Map.
- 1300-1330: New database structure: Dr. Allan Garland
- Christmas Pot luck
Items needed
- laptop & projector: Tina or Brad to assist setup before start of meeting.
- slide for database structure review by Dr. Garland.
Minutes Team Meeting December 10, 2013
Will attend
- Trish Ostryzniuk-14:51, 2013 September 23 (CDT)
- Marie Laporte
- Pamela Piche- will attend
- Joycelynn Thiessen--will attend and bring veggie and dip platter
- Shirley Kiesman- will attend
- Pat Stein- Pop
- Stephanie Cortilet - neither meal thank you
- Gail Hall
- Con Marks - cheese & crackers
- Lorri Pruden
- Laura Kolesar
- Joyce Peterson-09:30, 2013 October 7 (CDT)
- Louise Lemoine
- Pagasa Torres
- Julie Mojica
- Elaine Nagy
- Sheila Dowson
- Lois Bilesky
- Lisa Kaita
- Debbie Page-Newton
- Tina Tenbergen
ordering food instead/in addition
Thank you Lou and Con for volunteering to coordinated Christmas pot luck. That is great. Sounds like most staff would prefer to chip in rather than bring things. I will leave it to you to advise how much $$ staff need to contribute each. Please keep us posted here. Trish Ostryzniuk 15:59, 2013 October 28 (CDT)
- We are ordering food in so that none of us need bring any from home. Payment would be expected the day of the Christmas meeting. The amount should be between $15-20 in total per person. This includes tax/tip/delivery.--CMarks 15:03, 2013 November 4 (CST)
- Please indicate here before the end of November. Thank you for your input.--CMarks 12:52, 2013 October 31 (CDT)
We have a question for all of you....Would you rather have:
- Chicken Souvlaki (2 skewers) with
- Greek OR Caesar salad
- lemon roasted potatoes OR rice & buns
- $12.95 plus tax
- For dessert
- $2.00 per person
- baklava
- & we can pick up nut-free cookies for those with allergies.
- Gail Hall-garden or greek salad,no dessert.
- Lorri Pruden Greek salad and rice/bun. No dessert.
- Shirley Kiesman - greek or garden doesnt matter
- Pamela Piche - Greek or garden, no dessert please. Thanks very much for arranging!!
- Brad Cloutier - Greek salad, lemon roasted potatoes, no desert - thank you.
- Marie Laporte - Greek salad, and rice/bun. No dessert
- Lisa Kaita - Greek salad, rice/bun, no dessert
- Debbie Page-Newton - chicken souvlaki, greek salad, lemon roasted potatoes, & baklava. thanks.
- Slow roasted herbed chicken (2 pcs) with
- garden salad
- lemon potatoes & buns
- $9.95 plus tax
- For Dessert:
- $2.00 per person
- baklava
- & we can pick up nut-free cookies for those with allergies.
- Trish - no dessert thank you.
- Tina Tenbergen - with baklava
- Laura Kolesar - no dessert for me.
- Joyce Peterson - No dessert please.
- Marla Penner
- Lois Bilesky - No dessert please
- Louise Lemoine
- Joycelynn Thiessen
- Julie Mojica
- Pat Stein - No dessert thank you
- Pagasa Torres- No dessert thank you
Will attend the meeting however, have to give regrets for lunch.
Unable to attend or not present
- Judy Kublick is on vacation