Eds and raw pull from x manual.vbs
X:\Eds_Master_data\Eds_pull_from_x.vbs is a VBS script that copies specified
ICU files from:
- X:\Eds_Master_data\ICU - to a PC in Main office to local: C:\TMSX\data
- X:\PAGASA\CCData\rawdata - to a PC in Main office to local: C:\CCData|rawdata
and MED files from:
- X:\Eds_Master_data\MED- to a PC in Main office to local: C:\MEDTMS\data
- X:\PAGASA\MedData\rawdata - to a PC in Main office to local: C:\MedData|rawdata
Also see: Eds push to x.vbs
Future Plan
Set up as scheduled task. Note, when we move to New centralized system this process will be stopped. The plan is that this task will stop by end of May or June 2014.
Template:Discussion pls link to whichever processes use this...