Survey about deleting files after sending

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Hi-We are working towards the new data repository and need some feedback. Please indicate which process you follow in your area to delete send files. You can choose one or more. There is no right answer. This is will help us determine processes related to new repository system. Thanks!Trish Ostryzniuk 16:38, 2013 April 10 (EDT) Do you:

  1. delete files from laptop right after you send each week?
  2. delete sent files from your laptop a couple of days after you send?
  3. delete your previous weeks sent files from your laptop just before you send new ones on the following week?
  4. keep previous weeks send files on your laptop for a couple of weeks or more before you delete them from your laptop?
  5. Other method – please specify
    • Example: Trish: #1 & #2
  • MaryLou W.- 1
  • Lois B.- 1&2
  • Lorri P. 1 and 2(primarily)
  • Louis L.- 2
  • Laura K.- 2
  • Gail H.- 2
  • Pat S - 2
  • Joyce P. - 2 (usually deleted the following Monday after sending)
  • Joycelynn T.- 2&3 (usually a day before I send)
  • Judy K. - 2&3
  • Dawna B.- 2&3
  • Marie L.- 2&3
  • Elaine N.- 3 & Occasionally 2
  • Marla P.- 3
  • Con M.- 3
  • Shirley K.- 3
  • Debbie P. - 3


  • Debbie PN - 3
  • Joyce P. - ? (vacation)