MD backup.bat
This is a batch file which uses PKZIP to compress (zip) & back up Medicine dat files
- FROM: C:MedTMS\data
- TO: X:\ccmis_backup\MedBackup\2009-09-02_13-53-32 (with a backup date and time, example as shown here)
- "X" drive is also know as SANS drive
- located on the Main Data processing computer in: C:\ccmis_backup
- a backup LOG file is kept on the Main data processing computer on: C:\ccmis_backup\logs
- Files included in backup:
- ADL.dat
- Apache.dat
- iTISS.dat
- lab.dat
- Pharmacy.dat
- registryx.dat
- SAPSII.dat
- SapXtra.dat
- labels and tables should also be included in this backup but currently are not.
- MD_backup is done everyday or more often in a day if many edits are done.
- A backup ( MD_Reg Update.bat ) is also done to three other computer's local hard drives in the main database program office office. This is done once per week or more often when edits & TISS scanning is done.
- also see backup.bat
- TOstryzniuk 18:02, 9 February 2009 (CST)