2020-10 EMIP changes
We used to encode EMIPs as a Service/Location for legacy reasons - it is not really a location as much as a special case. When we did the Change from Service Location to Service, Boarding Loc and Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry and PatientFollow Project it became possible to encode EMIPs as a combination of Service tmp entry and Boarding Loc. Further, with Using Cognos2 to keep track of patients we started to encounter patients in ER before it was clear if they will end up EMIPs or ward patients. Leaving Service/Location blank was not allowed, so decided to change to tracking these as a combination of Service tmp entry and Boarding Loc.
Collection Instructions
Under the new model, there really are no special collection instructions for EMIPs, they are simply the situation of a patient being in the ER (Boarding Loc) while under one of the Services(Service tmp entry we collect.
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