Creating a new project article

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You can use the following as a template for a new project article.

 | Project = {{PAGENAME}}
 | ProjectActive = <active, planned, legacy, aborted in planning, ... is it currently being collected?>
 | ProjectProgram = <CC, Med, CC and Med>
 | ProjectRequestor = <who will this be reported to?>
 | ProjectCollectionStartDate = '''collection start''' (in case of phases, most recent start)
 | ProjectCollectionStopDate = '''collection end''' (in case of phases, most recent end) - if no end, leave line out

== Data Collection ==
<what patient, under what circumstances, should be collected>
=== Collection Instructions ===   
* Project: [[HasTmpEntry::<project name in s_tmp table>]]<there might be more than one of these in each project
* Item: <item?> 
* Date: <if used, what for, else say "not used">
* Time: <if used, what for, else say "not used">
* Integer: <if used, what for, else say "not used">
* Real: <if used, what for, else say "not used">
* Checkbox: <if used, what for, else say "not used">
* Comment: <if used, what for, else say "not used">

==== Sources ====
{{Discussion}} <Where do we expect collectors to find this info? >

==== <details?> ====
<clarifications, usually come up during first few days of collection>

==== Special Cases  ====
<clarifications, usually come up during first few days of collection>

== Collection parameters ==
For single run projects this can stay empty, but for second and further runs, this is where the earlier run dates should go.
* sites/wards where collected
* start date: {{Discussion}} <enter>
* projected end date: {{Discussion}} <enter>

== Data Use ==
{{Discussion}} <How will this data be used? [[Indicators]] or [[Reports]]? >

== Consistency Checks ==
{{Data Integrity Check List|}} <!-- this will populate automatically from the cross-checks -->

== Related articles ==
{{Related Articles}}

<if applicable: