EPR Reports

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Revision as of 15:49, 2016 May 18 by TOstryzniuk (talk | contribs) (Instructions on how to use EPR report to ID admissions)
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this article contains instruction how on how to use EPR reports to identify: transfers, admission & discharges

  1. Go to Citrix Apps on Desktop
  2. Click on EPR Reports
  3. Log in utilizing same username and password as your first log in into the computer (NOT the xxdc one)
  4. Click on "patient list reports"
  5. Defining the different report options:
  1. Transfer register: are those patients who come to your location within the hospital or are transferred out from your location within the local hospital. (This includes the local ER and any wards, units within the local hospital).
    • To use Transfer register: Select hospital site; choose "date from" and "date to"; put in specific unit; choose from or to location if you want both; click "view report" in upper R corner. Once it is populated, you can print the information by clicking on the print icon below the dark blue line.
    • You can then go back to "patient list reports" (selection at the top of the blue section) and choose another register if desired.
  2. Admissions register: are those patients that come to your location from outside your local hospital.
    • To use Admission register, the options are basically the same as the transfer register.
  3. Discharge register: are those patients that either die or are discharged to a place outside the local hospital.
    • To use Discharge register, most options are the same, the only difference is you need to put in "ALL" in attending providers to make it work.