MSCOMCT2.ocx error
(Redirected from Ocx)
After update CCMDB.mdb_Change_Log_2016#2016-Mar-16 all collectors were getting following error: Your Microsoft Access Database or Project contains a missing or broken reference to the file 'MSCOMCT2.ocx' version 2.0.
- 2017-01-05 seems to work without the reference, so removed from master, hopefully that will take care of it.
- 2017-Jan-2 - HSC_3/D4 laptop: error message: MSCOMCTL.OCX
- p:Herman Aubel uncheck the reference to this windows system file on this laptop.
- We still need to try and understand why this happens. p:Louise Lemoine did not have this issue Dec 29.16 before vacation and When p:Con Marks logged in to use it Jan 2.17, CCMDB would not work. If it is due to new version of window rolled out, why only one laptop affected? I guess we need to figure this out.
- p:Herman Aubel uncheck the reference to this windows system file on this laptop.
- 2016-Aug-22 - seems they forget to do this when you get new computer set up, therefore contact ehealth.
- They forgot in Trish's case because setting up her PC does not follow data collector setup instructions. We will need to remind eHealth when main office PCs get updated.
- 2016-Jun-23 added this to the updated laptop setup instructions, sent to Brandon Deamel
- 2016-Apr-05 - Ehealth fixed this up on the four main office computers. (inc# 2309932)
Not sure what would have caused this, but essentially this file is for some reason present on Tina's laptop and not on the data collection laptops. None of the changes in CCMDB.mdb_Change_Log_2016#2016-Mar-16 had any active steps that should have started a new referral to this, or triggered a delete of the file, so it's not clear why this became an issue at that point.