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This is a property of type Text.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
(A1)PPI  +
(A2)H2 Blockers  +
(A3)special upper GI bleeding agents  +
(A4)vitamin K antagonists  +
(A5)Heparin SQ  +
(A5)heparin cont inf  +
(A7)LMWH  +
(B1)direct thrombin inhibitors  +
(B2)Heparinoids  +
(B3)Factor Xa inhibitors  +
(B4)benzodiazepines cont inf  +
(B5)opioids cont inf (not PCA)  +
(C1)propofol cont inf  +
(C2)dopamine cont inf  +
(C3)dobutamine cont inf  +
(C4)norepinephrine cont inf  +
(C5)epinephrine cont inf  +
(D1)phenylephrine cont inf  +
(D2)vasopressin cont inf  +
(D3)milrinone cont inf  +