GCS sedated field: Difference between revisions

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updated collection instructions
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''Currently being implemented.
''Fields are present and info can be entered, but
''collection has not officially started yet.
''Please try to enter it to identify curve balls
''before official collection starts.
''Ttenbergen 16:24, 2016 September 19 (CDT)

Revision as of 11:40, 22 September 2016

Data Element (edit)
Field Name: GCS sedated
CCMDB Label: not stated
CCMDB tab: not stated
Table: L_Log table
Data type: checkbox"checkbox" is not in the list (number, integer, long, boolean, string, memo, date, not entered) of allowed values for the "FieldDataType" property.
Length: not stated
Program: CC
Created/Raw: not entered
Start Date: 1988-07-11
End Date: 2300-01-01
Sort Index: 999

The GCS sedated field is a checkbox used together with the Glasgow Coma Scale; if the patient is sedated when the GCS is assessed, this box is checked.

  • SMW

Legacy implementation right in the table

  • Cargo

  • Categories
  • Forms

See Glasgow_Coma_Scale for further info on collecting this.

Collection Instructions

For the purpose of this field only (i.e. not for the purpose of deciding which GCS to choose), check the "Sedated" checkbox if:

  • patient is on continuous IV infusion of narcotics, pain meds or sedation drugs
  • patient is on paralytics

For other types of sedation at time of GCS assessment, do not check this box. (As per phone call w Allan Garland 11:30, 2016 September 22 (CDT))

any further questions?


where would you find this information?

The information regarding patients sedation level is documented in the RASS score on the flow sheets. The amount of drugs administered are found in the MAR as well as the ICU flowsheet.