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Minutes of Data Collection Team Meeting - June 8, 2016
Minutes of Data Collection Team Meeting - June 8, 2016
#Round table for introductions.
#Outlook Calendar appointment invitations:
1. Round table for introductions.
#*reminder: you must reply to an appointment invitation that comes via your email.
#*Can “right click” and either select: accept, decline or tentative to reply.
2. Outlook Calendar appointment invitations:
#*this goes into respective calendars and meeting organizer can keep track.
*reminder: you must reply to an appointment invitation that comes via your email.
#Proposed New Data Collection Log sheet change present by Trish.
*Can “right click” and either select: accept, decline or tentative to reply.
#*This new log sheet will utilize the new wording used in the dispo tab.
*this goes into respective calendars and meeting organizer can keep track.
#*Goal is to:
#*minimize amount of duplication
3. Proposed New Data Collection Log sheet change present by Trish.
#*reduce unnecessary basic information that collector needs to copy from other source
*This new log sheet will utilize the new wording used in the dispo tab.
to these forms then enter into laptop.
*Goal is to:
#*to standardize the sheet so that both ICU and medicine can utilize the same sheet.
*minimize amount of duplication
The eventual goal proposed by Tina is:
*reduce unnecessary basic information that collector needs to copy from other source to these forms then enter into laptop.
#*To do without any paper log sheet and is hopeful that eventually collectors will not
*to standardize the sheet so that both ICU and medicine can utilize the same sheet. The eventual goal proposed by Tina is:
need them.
*To do without any paper log sheet and is hopeful that eventually collectors will not need them.
#*Shirley K. brought up the issue in regards to how would a collector know which serial
*Shirley K. brought up the issue in regards to how would a collector know which serial number is the next sequential one to use if there is no record and highest one already sent in and off laptop?
number is the next sequential one to use if there is no record and highest one already
*Collectors rely on these paper log sheet to easily see this information.
sent in and off laptop?
*Tina T. will look into finding if there is another way for CCMDB.mdb to keep track of the next sequential serial number is to be utilized.
#*Collectors rely on these paper log sheet to easily see this information.
*'''Suggested plan''':
Tina T. will look into finding if there is another way for CCMDB.mdb to keep track of the
*try to add electronic filters in CCMDB to attempt to see if we can eliminate the log sheet.
next sequential serial number is to be utilized.
*one way possible would be to keep the send/deleted patients on laptop for 6 weeks and allow the ‘’patient list’’ to sort and filter to include them in order to see the last highest serial #’ that was utilized.
#*Suggested plan:
*''Discussion'': patients are transferred between units/wards‐ how would staff compare times if we do away with the log sheets?
#*try to add electronic filters in CCMDB to attempt to see if we can eliminate the log
*''Discussion'' about the proposed Data Collection Log Sheet as to what columns are necessary and unnecessary.
*There is some discrepancy with EPR times and actual transfer times.  
#*one way possible would be to keep the send/deleted patients on laptop for 6 weeks
*'''Question:''' What to use?
and allow the ‘’patient list’’ to sort and filter to include them in order to see the last
*'''Answer:''' Use the time that you find most accurate at your site.
highest serial #’ that was utilized.
*STB uses EPR as most of their charting is now EPR.
#*Discussion: patients are transferred between units/wards‐ how would staff compare
times if we do away with the log sheets?
*Collectors are no longer required to send in the paper log sheets to main office. Dispose of in confidential waste at your site.
#**Discussion about the proposed Data Log as to what columns are necessary and
4. '''New Dispo Tab'''
#*There is some discrepancy with EPR times and actual transfer times. What to use?
* ''discussion'': Both Staff and main office share in the challenge with duplicate entry.
#*Use the time that you find most accurate at your site.
*Julie M: informed team that the quarterly report April‐June will be done the “old” way therefore, we need to continue duplicate entry at least till the end of June.
#*STB uses EPR as most of their charting is now EPR.
*Julie is also in the process of rewriting all codes in her statistical program to utilize the new fields. She must ensure that she can produce equitable report.
*Operationally the database program is required to continue to produce reports used by ICU and Medicine programs, in a timely manner.
#*Collectors are no longer required to send in the paper log sheets to main office.
*main office needs the continued feedback from staff in order to improve and update collection guidelines, improve collection and update reporting process.
Dispose of in confidential waste at your site.
*Tina continues to work to insure proper integrity checks in place before move over to new dispo tab in CCMDB.
#New Dispo Tab‐ discussion: Both Staff and main office share in the challenge with
*The reasons that an overview of both the dispo and the old system comparison is being done were outlined. It is not expected an exact duplication but just ensuring that the expectations of the new system are being met.
duplicate entry.
#*Julie M: informed team that the quarterly report April‐June will be done the “old” way
5.  Question about bed borrows and how they are to be treated if they are from a ward that is part of our program and goes to an ICU area for a monitored procedure. (Louise).
therefore, we need to continue duplicate entry at least till the end of June.
*See wiki article Bed Borrow: [http://ccmdb.kuality.ca/index.php?title=Bed_borrow] and post further comments in this article.
#*Julie is also in the process of rewriting all codes in her statistical program to utilize the
new fields. She must ensure that she can produce equitable report.
6. Clarification of [[Pre-admit Inpatient Institution field | Pre-admit Inpatient Institution/location]] and [[Previous Location field | Previous Location]]. 
#*Operationally the database program is required to continue to produce reports used
*'''Question:'''  How this is often the same thing
by ICU and Medicine programs, in a timely manner.
*'''Answer:'''Please go to article on the wiki.
#*main office needs the continued feedback from staff in order to improve and update
collection guidelines, improve collection and update reporting process.
7. A.If previous service is [[Cath lab]] which service is this?? Trish will get this clarified and
#*Tina continues to work to insure proper integrity checks in place before move over to
new dispo tab in CCMDB.
#*The reasons that an overview of both the dispo and the old system comparison is
being done were outlined. It is not expected an exact duplication but just ensuring that
the expectations of the new system are being met.
#Question about bed borrows and how they are to be treated if they are from a ward
that is part of our program and goes to an ICU area for a monitored procedure. (Louise).
#*See wiki article Bed Borrow: [http://ccmdb.kuality.ca/index.php?title=Bed_borrow]
And post further comments in this article.
#Clarification of pre‐admit inpatient location and previous location and how this is often
the same thing. This is on the wiki.
#A.If previous service is “Cath lab” which service is this?? Trish will get this clarified and
let us know.
let us know.
#*B. Previous location of “Cath Lab” ‐ needs definition. Is this all radiological
*B.Previous location of [[Cath lab]] ‐ needs definition. Is this all radiological interventions or just cardiac catheterizations? (Gail H.)
interventions or just cardiac catheterizations? (Gail H.)
*Go to Wiki Article for updates: [http://ccmdb.kuality.ca/index.php?title=Cath_lab]
#*Trish will review this and let us know.
See Wiki Article for updates: [http://ccmdb.kuality.ca/index.php?title=Cath_lab]
8. Shirley: still problems getting [[Transfer Ready DtTm field | Transfer Ready DtTm]]. Some will write dates and not times in the chart.
#Shirley: still problems getting transfer ready dates and times. Some will write dates
*Jodi W.T: “Oculus” coming to all sites. Started at Grace. (replaces UM tool). This program will display date and times. Collection team may be able to get access to this tool for transfer ready in near future.
and not times in the chart.
9. '''New Master Rotation ‐ 1430 hrs'''
#*Jodi W.T: “Oculus” coming to all sites. Started at Grace. (replaces UM tool) . This
*Representative present in addition to team staff:
program will display date and times. Collection team may be able to get access to this
*Human Resources – Denise Langendorfer
tool for transfer ready.
*MNU ‐ labor relations officer ‐ Daniel Kushneryk ‐ 204‐942‐1320 ext 220 dkushneryk)
#New Master Rotation ‐ 1430 hrs
*Jody Walker‐Tweed, Program Director
#*Representative present in addition to team staff:
*Trish: Rotations to be set in order to continue to meet operational needs of Database Program. Work rotations have been set to address the flow and workload, per day, per area and per program at each of the worksites in the Region.
#*Human Resources – Denise Langendorfer
*Review and analysis of the flow of the program pertaining to staffing has shown the need to have more predictability in staffing scheduling in order to meet operational needs.
#*MNU ‐ labor relations officer ‐ Daniel Kushneryk ‐ 204‐942‐1320 ext 220 dkushneryk)
*Requirements for staffing are more complex and staff models have changed many times over the year to continue to meet operational needs.
#*Jody Walker‐Tweed, Program Director
*Need re‐structuring of schedules to even out staffing better and to ensure both the medicine and ICU programs have adequate staffing on‐going.
#*Trish: Rotations to be set in order to continue to meet operational needs of Database
*Dan Kushneryk MNU: specific language in the contract that we'''must have a master rotation'''.
Program. Work rotations have been set to address the flow and workload, per day, per
*The collective agreement makes the employer obligated to have a master rotation. –
area and per program at each of the worksites in the Region.
*The nurses have a period of time to have input into the rotation.
#*Review and analysis of the flow of the program pertaining to staffing has shown the
*Review must be shown to the affected people and must have rationale that is fair and reasonable to all.
need to have more predictability in staffing scheduling in order to meet operational
*There must be meaningful consultation and the union needs a preview and can provide comments.
*There appears to be quite a few “single” days off may not make sense for operational needs? However union may not understand and be aware of all specific operational needs.
#*Requirements for staffing are more complex and staff models have changed many
*Memo in back of collective agreement about self‐scheduling: group self‐scheduling (2 or more nurses can set up their own rotation if it meets all the criteria and all shifts are covered).
times over the year to continue to meet operational needs.
*If the employer had the option re‐structure and delete all positions to start a new structure instead, employer chose to maintain the group of employees and apply a master rotation instead.
#*Need re‐structuring of schedules to even out staffing better and to ensure both the
*When regional programs were formed we were linked with home care. (June 1.2010).
medicine and ICU programs have adequate staffing on‐going.
*The process is in place for group self‐scheduling if this is an option people want. We would have to meet with MNU to have further instructions if this happens.
#*Dan Kushneryk MNU: specific language in the contract that we “must have a master
*Some complexity because not everyone has the same skill sets. Some data collectors do only medicine or only ICU and some can do both for example.
*Guidelines (currently followed): maintain own EFT; during vacation, these shifts will be offered to others to pick up ; recognized holiday guidelines in collective agreement ('''like taking turns having the Christmas week off'''); option to bank days , to take unpaid day or to work a different day when the rotation shift falls on a stat holiday day.
#*The collective agreement makes the employer obligated to have a master rotation. –
*Employer discretion:
#*The nurses have a period of time to have input into the rotation.
*when there is a vacancy, positions can change if the employer want to do this
#*Review must be shown to the affected people and must have rationale that is fair and
*change a master rotation
reasonable to all.
*option to delete and repost where seniority is the governing factor.
#*There must be meaningful consultation and the union needs a preview and can provide
*Rotation must be posted at least 4 weeks in advance if there is a change.
*Must be mindful not to put the nurse above or below their EFT.
#*There appears to be quite a few “single” days off may not make sense for operational
*Interchanges should be done 2 weeks in advance and may be able to do this within a shorter time frame if mutually agreed with employer.
needs? However union may not understand and be aware of all specific operational
*Must pay back interchanges within a short time.
*Cannot owe a shift for a long period time.
#*Memo in back of collective agreement about self‐scheduling: group self‐scheduling (2
*your manager must know if an interchange has taken place.
or more nurses can set up their own rotation if it meets all the criteria and all shifts are
*Available shifts can be switched but someone may want to pick up available shifts so this must be considered. The [http://home.wrha.mb.ca/hr/agreements.php Collective agreement] indicates that there must be mutual agreement between nurse and manager to accommodate a nurses’ schedule.
*Need to communicate our needs to the manager.
#*If the employer had the option re‐structure and delete all positions to start a new
*No inter‐changes with casuals can be done because casuals can be cancelled and they also have the right to cancel. (this will be double checked with MNU, as there is conflicting information in regards to this. Trish will follow up with HR to check with MNU).
structure instead, employer chose to maintain the group of employees and apply a
*All part timers have first priority to all shifts.
master rotation instead.
*Staff have 1 week to review rotation – to Wed June 15.16. Can email, call or meet with manager to discuss and give feedback.
#*When regional programs were formed we were linked with home care. (June 1.2010).
*after this, employer has 1 week (June 23-28.16) to review and comment back with rationale is can make changes or not.
#*The process is in place for group self‐scheduling if this is an option people want. We
*Rotation will be implemented and will assure that during the period of time that there no issues that will affect biweekly pay.
would have to meet with MNU to have further instructions if this happens.
#*Some complexity because not everyone has the same skill sets. Some data collectors
do only medicine or only ICU and some can do both for example.
#*Guidelines (currently followed): maintain own EFT; during vacation, these shifts will be
offered to others to pick up ; recognized holiday guidelines in collective agreement (like
taking turns having the Christmas week off); option to bank days , to take unpaid day or
to work a different day when the rotation shift falls on a stat holiday day.
#*Employer discretion:
#*when there is a vacancy, positions can change if the employer want to do this
#*change a master rotation
#*option to delete and repost where seniority is the governing factor.
#*Rotation must be posted at least 4 weeks in advance if there is a change.
#*Must be mindful not to put the nurse above or below their EFT.
#*Interchanges should be done 2 weeks in advance and may be able to do this within a
shorter time frame if mutually agreed with employer.
#*Must pay back interchanges within a short time.
#*Cannot owe a shift for a long period time.
#*your manager must know if an interchange has taken place.
#*Available shifts can be switched but someone may want to pick up available shifts so
this must be considered. The [http://home.wrha.mb.ca/hr/agreements.php Collective
agreement] indicates that there must be mutual agreement between nurse and
manager to accommodate a nurses’ schedule.
#*Need to communicate our needs to the manager.
#*No inter‐changes with casuals can be done because casuals can be cancelled and they
also have the right to cancel. (this will be double checked with MNU, as there is
conflicting information in regards to this. Trish will follow up with HR to check with
#*All part timers have first priority to all shifts.
#*Staff have 1 week to review rotation – to Wed June 15.16. Can email, call or meet with
manager to discuss and give feedback.
#*after this, employer has 1 week (June 23-28.16) to review and comment back with
rationale is can make changes or not.
#*Rotation will be implemented and will assure that during the period of time that there
no issues that will affect biweekly pay.
#Minutes taken by: Laura Kolesar, review by Trish Ostryzniuk

10. Minutes taken by: Laura Kolesar, review by Trish Ostryzniuk

== Next team meeting ==
[[Team Meeting September 22, 2016]]

Revision as of 16:34, 29 June 2016

Minutes of Data Collection Team Meeting - June 8, 2016

1. Round table for introductions.

2. Outlook Calendar appointment invitations:

  • reminder: you must reply to an appointment invitation that comes via your email.
  • Can “right click” and either select: accept, decline or tentative to reply.
  • this goes into respective calendars and meeting organizer can keep track.

3. Proposed New Data Collection Log sheet change present by Trish.

  • This new log sheet will utilize the new wording used in the dispo tab.
  • Goal is to:
  • minimize amount of duplication
  • reduce unnecessary basic information that collector needs to copy from other source to these forms then enter into laptop.
  • to standardize the sheet so that both ICU and medicine can utilize the same sheet. The eventual goal proposed by Tina is:
  • To do without any paper log sheet and is hopeful that eventually collectors will not need them.
  • Shirley K. brought up the issue in regards to how would a collector know which serial number is the next sequential one to use if there is no record and highest one already sent in and off laptop?
  • Collectors rely on these paper log sheet to easily see this information.
  • Tina T. will look into finding if there is another way for CCMDB.mdb to keep track of the next sequential serial number is to be utilized.
  • Suggested plan:
  • try to add electronic filters in CCMDB to attempt to see if we can eliminate the log sheet.
  • one way possible would be to keep the send/deleted patients on laptop for 6 weeks and allow the ‘’patient list’’ to sort and filter to include them in order to see the last highest serial #’ that was utilized.
  • Discussion: patients are transferred between units/wards‐ how would staff compare times if we do away with the log sheets?
  • Discussion about the proposed Data Collection Log Sheet as to what columns are necessary and unnecessary.
  • There is some discrepancy with EPR times and actual transfer times.
  • Question: What to use?
  • Answer: Use the time that you find most accurate at your site.
  • STB uses EPR as most of their charting is now EPR.
  • Action:
  • Collectors are no longer required to send in the paper log sheets to main office. Dispose of in confidential waste at your site.

4. New Dispo Tab

  • discussion: Both Staff and main office share in the challenge with duplicate entry.
  • Julie M: informed team that the quarterly report April‐June will be done the “old” way therefore, we need to continue duplicate entry at least till the end of June.
  • Julie is also in the process of rewriting all codes in her statistical program to utilize the new fields. She must ensure that she can produce equitable report.
  • Operationally the database program is required to continue to produce reports used by ICU and Medicine programs, in a timely manner.
  • main office needs the continued feedback from staff in order to improve and update collection guidelines, improve collection and update reporting process.
  • Tina continues to work to insure proper integrity checks in place before move over to new dispo tab in CCMDB.
  • The reasons that an overview of both the dispo and the old system comparison is being done were outlined. It is not expected an exact duplication but just ensuring that the expectations of the new system are being met.

5. Question about bed borrows and how they are to be treated if they are from a ward that is part of our program and goes to an ICU area for a monitored procedure. (Louise).

  • See wiki article Bed Borrow: [1] and post further comments in this article.

6. Clarification of Pre-admit Inpatient Institution/location and Previous Location.

  • Question: How this is often the same thing?
  • Answer:Please go to article on the wiki.

7. A.If previous service is Cath lab which service is this?? Trish will get this clarified and let us know.

  • B.Previous location of Cath lab ‐ needs definition. Is this all radiological interventions or just cardiac catheterizations? (Gail H.)
  • Go to Wiki Article for updates: [2]

8. Shirley: still problems getting Transfer Ready DtTm. Some will write dates and not times in the chart.

  • Jodi W.T: “Oculus” coming to all sites. Started at Grace. (replaces UM tool). This program will display date and times. Collection team may be able to get access to this tool for transfer ready in near future.

9. New Master Rotation ‐ 1430 hrs

  • Representative present in addition to team staff:
  • Human Resources – Denise Langendorfer
  • MNU ‐ labor relations officer ‐ Daniel Kushneryk ‐ 204‐942‐1320 ext 220 dkushneryk)
  • Jody Walker‐Tweed, Program Director
  • Trish: Rotations to be set in order to continue to meet operational needs of Database Program. Work rotations have been set to address the flow and workload, per day, per area and per program at each of the worksites in the Region.
  • Review and analysis of the flow of the program pertaining to staffing has shown the need to have more predictability in staffing scheduling in order to meet operational needs.
  • Requirements for staffing are more complex and staff models have changed many times over the year to continue to meet operational needs.
  • Need re‐structuring of schedules to even out staffing better and to ensure both the medicine and ICU programs have adequate staffing on‐going.
  • Dan Kushneryk MNU: specific language in the contract that wemust have a master rotation.
  • The collective agreement makes the employer obligated to have a master rotation. –
  • The nurses have a period of time to have input into the rotation.
  • Review must be shown to the affected people and must have rationale that is fair and reasonable to all.
  • There must be meaningful consultation and the union needs a preview and can provide comments.
  • There appears to be quite a few “single” days off may not make sense for operational needs? However union may not understand and be aware of all specific operational needs.
  • Memo in back of collective agreement about self‐scheduling: group self‐scheduling (2 or more nurses can set up their own rotation if it meets all the criteria and all shifts are covered).
  • If the employer had the option re‐structure and delete all positions to start a new structure instead, employer chose to maintain the group of employees and apply a master rotation instead.
  • When regional programs were formed we were linked with home care. (June 1.2010).
  • The process is in place for group self‐scheduling if this is an option people want. We would have to meet with MNU to have further instructions if this happens.
  • Some complexity because not everyone has the same skill sets. Some data collectors do only medicine or only ICU and some can do both for example.
  • Guidelines (currently followed): maintain own EFT; during vacation, these shifts will be offered to others to pick up ; recognized holiday guidelines in collective agreement (like taking turns having the Christmas week off); option to bank days , to take unpaid day or to work a different day when the rotation shift falls on a stat holiday day.
  • Employer discretion:
  • when there is a vacancy, positions can change if the employer want to do this
  • change a master rotation
  • option to delete and repost where seniority is the governing factor.
  • Rotation must be posted at least 4 weeks in advance if there is a change.
  • Must be mindful not to put the nurse above or below their EFT.
  • Interchanges should be done 2 weeks in advance and may be able to do this within a shorter time frame if mutually agreed with employer.
  • Must pay back interchanges within a short time.
  • Cannot owe a shift for a long period time.
  • your manager must know if an interchange has taken place.
  • Available shifts can be switched but someone may want to pick up available shifts so this must be considered. The Collective agreement indicates that there must be mutual agreement between nurse and manager to accommodate a nurses’ schedule.
  • Need to communicate our needs to the manager.
  • No inter‐changes with casuals can be done because casuals can be cancelled and they also have the right to cancel. (this will be double checked with MNU, as there is conflicting information in regards to this. Trish will follow up with HR to check with MNU).
  • All part timers have first priority to all shifts.
  • Staff have 1 week to review rotation – to Wed June 15.16. Can email, call or meet with manager to discuss and give feedback.
  • after this, employer has 1 week (June 23-28.16) to review and comment back with rationale is can make changes or not.
  • Rotation will be implemented and will assure that during the period of time that there no issues that will affect biweekly pay.

10. Minutes taken by: Laura Kolesar, review by Trish Ostryzniuk

Next team meeting

Team Meeting September 22, 2016