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Revision as of 12:22, 6 December 2022 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs)
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!CognosComparer.accdb is a tool to import a range of Cognos dumps for comparison. It gets huge and is slow, so we can't just keep a running tally in there, but this allows analysis of a portion. Even 2 weeks of data result in a ~500MB file. There is no de-duplication of the data, that would defeat the purpose of being able to compare.

File Location

  • \\ad.wrha.mb.ca\WRHA\HSC\shared\MED\MED_CCMED\CCMDB\CognosComparer


It's a utility, so no niceties...

Find VBA function saveReportFilesFromMail(), update the dates and possibly .pst file to pull from, and run it manually. The program can only handle about 6 weeks worth of data; further fine-tuning of column sizes might improve that.

If puts the data into table CognosReports. The table has a column that contains the date and time of the email with the dump file. Then queries can be run against it...


  • 2022-12-06 - added ClientGUID to the table structure and decreased various field sizes from default 255 to 100 to be able to import more data.

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