Manitoba Health Crosschecking Sending Data

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Revision as of 15:03, 25 August 2014 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs) (Instruction: u)
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This article explains how to use MB Health Tool.mdb to send data to Manitoba Health as part of Crosschecking data with Manitoba Health.


  1. open MB Health Tool.mdb
  2. open query 1_new_export
  3. save as new query, using name yyyy-mm-dd-<C> export
    • C is optional, can be used for Comment if needed
    • examples would be 2014-08-20 or 2014-08-20-Resend
  4. right-click and design view the query
  5. edit the criteria to restrict the data
  6. change to list view to confirm the data is correct, then save
  7. right-click on the new query and click export
    • export the file as a .csv (text)
      • save in M:\MB_Health_Records_Cleaning\exports
      • file name MH_yyyy-mm-dd.csv, e.g. MH_2014-08-20.csv
  8. prepare accompanying documentation
  9. courier the data to Manitoba Health

fields included

  • PHIN, LN, FN, DOB & Gender are included in a EXCEL file
  • A Paper Log Records batch number, date send and date recieved from MHSC.
  • One sent/received log form for ICU another for Medicine.
  • CD's are kept sleeves in this binder with these MHSC send/recieved logs.

activity log

newest entry on top, start line with * ~~~~~ then sign as usual

  • 15:46, 2014 August 25 (CDT) started development Ttenbergen 15:46, 2014 August 25 (CDT)