Fe Deficiency Anemia

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Revision as of 22:34, 2017 November 11 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs) (Guess this will no longer be the NYD article in ICD10 where they have Anemia, NOS?)
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This page is about the pre-ICD10 diagnosis coding schema. See the ICD10 Diagnosis List, or the following for similar diagnoses in ICD10:Anemia due to iron deficiency

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Category: Hematology (old)


Medical Problem

Main Diagnosis: Fe Deficiency Anemia
Diagnosis Code: 21600
Comorbid Diagnosis: No
Charlson Comorbid coding (pre ICD10): 0

Impaired RBC production due to iron deficiency

Use for anemia NYD without known bleed

When a patient is NOT BLEEDING but does require a blood transfusion or medication because their HGB or HCT are low, I usually use iron (FE) deficiency anemia as the code in this event unless it is clearly a documented as being related another specific type of cause. See other type of Anemia's. ----LKolesar 14:36, 10 January 2012 (CST) Template:ICD10 Should this still be done for Anemia due to iron deficiency? Possibly not since we will also have Anemia, NOS now. Should that be stated in the Anemia, NOS? Ttenbergen 22:34, 2017 November 11 (CST)