Labs - Legacy Article

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The Critical Care program collects a count of a list (S_AllLabs) of labs performed.

Some time ago, the count was done on the Lab_Collection_Form.

The data is now stored in the L_Labs tables on the PDA and in the CCMDB.mdb. There are two separate tables for labs. One is for HSC ICU's only the other lab table is for all other ICU's in the city. The reason for this is that HSC downloads lab from the Hospital computer system and at other sites this is not done.......yet.

At HSC labs (for Critical Care and Medicine) are downloaded. For more info see Lab downloading at HSC.

Lab collection process - tallying lab tests. For more information see Lab Collection Process.

Data Integrity Rules, a.k.a TISS / Pharm corellation

The following items on your pharmacy form should be confirmed against the corresponding items on the TISS:

  • ABGs - items 57 and 58

Limited number of labs

Only 24 labs can actually be sent in. You can collect as many as you want, but only those with the highest priority will actually be sent.

Which labs should be given preference

On the rare occasion more than 24 different labs are performed on a patient.

Since we cross-check labs against the TISS, all the labs that are referenced on the TISS need to be sent.

As for the rest, the labs are collected mostly for a cost estimate, so the most expensive ones are of most interest to us. Apparently a request for up-to-date lab costs has been in to the lab people for some time, but there are difficulties in getting an answer. Once we have updated costs, we would actually change the CCMDB.mdb so it would pick the most important labs automatically based on cost, much like we are now doing for comorbids.

Labs that are currently manually collected - TABLE

  • This is a master list of lab items that are on every PDA.
    • TRUE means item is collected at a site
    • FALSE means item is NOT collected at a site.
  • For LAB items, the PDA can be set to different VIEWING lists.
    • View all LABS (Master PDA lab list)
    • Collect at HSC (subset of Master PDA lab list for HSC only. )
    • Collect at Others (subset of Master PDA lab list for: STB, GRA, CON, OAK, GRA)

Template:Discussion Another point that should be mentioned is when there are no labs on a given patient. Access will not send without something in the lab list. Trish suggested putting in a value in access but then deleting in the the excel program after sending into that folder in the regional server. --LKolesar 11:04, 19 March 2009 (CDT)

  • Tina, for ccmdb, we should add a separate check for NO lab or NO pharm. The above work around is not the best thing to be doing.--TOstryzniuk 11:35, 19 March 2009 (CDT)
See change log: separate check box for NO Lab or NO pharm.--TOstryzniuk 11:41, 19 March 2009 (CDT)

Lab test items table

It is important that if you are NOT at the HSC that when you select a LAB item that the VIEW on your PDA is set to COLLECT at OTHER SITES.TOstryzniuk 12:31, 27 February 2009 (CST)

LabCode LabName HSC_Collect_Manual Other_Collect_Manual
38 CBC False True
39 CBC Diff False True
40 PT/PTT False True
58 K False True
61 Glucose - *sent to lab NOT glucometer False True
63 Creatinine False True
76 MG False True
77 SGPT False True
81 CPK False True
89 Troponin False True
113 Sputum C+S False True
114 Blood C+S False True
120 Urine C+S False True
135 ABG False True
99 Skull Xray True False
100 Sinus Xray True False
101 C-Spine Xray True False
102 L-Spine Xray True False
103 Other Xray True False
105 Lung Scan True False
108 Fluroscopy True False
111 EEG True False
125 Sputum Mycoplasma True False
126 Serum Mycoplasma True False
131 HIV True False
132 VDRL True False
133 Viral Titre True False
134 Hepatitis Screen True False
48 Group & Match True True
50 Packed cells True True
51 FFP True True
52 SP True True
53 Platelets True True
54 Albumin 25 % True True
55 Albumin 5% True True
96 EKG True True
97 CXR True True
98 ABD Xray True True
104 CT Scan True True
106 Angio-Coronary True True
107 Angio-Other True True
109 U /S Echo True True
110 U /S Abd True True
136 Pentaspan True True
137 MUGA True True
138 MRI True True
142 Voluven True True

January 30.09

  • ICU Lab tests that are being manually collected and downloaded are currently being reviewed by the ICU database Task team. Updates will be posted here when available.--TOstryzniuk 17:38, 3 February 2009 (CST)