Chart number
Chart number is the number assigned to a patient by Admitting. This is done once the patient has been seen by Triage in ER or new to the hospital for clinics, testing and various workups. This number remains the patient's chart number for all hospital visits, admissions, tests, etc. It is unique to that patient.
Pt Doe
Patient is admitted as an unknown "Pt Doe". They are given a new chart number. After discharge the old records will be "married" to the new ones.--CMarks 12:43, 5 August 2011 (CDT)
- so do you enter the new chart number, then? Does Julie reconcile these? how common is this? Ttenbergen 16:23, 2013 May 22 (EDT) Template:Discussion
Template:CCMDB Data Integrity Checks
CCMDB.mdb uses function Validate_chart() to validate the Chart number.
- check that the entry is numerical
- check to ensure that PHIN field and Chart number are not identical.
- no further checks at this time because chart numbers are different at different hospitals