Chinese characters being sent to TmpV2

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Revision as of 12:20, 2013 July 18 by Srusnak (talk | contribs)
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Intermittently, contents of all the com_var field (eg Postal code or overstay color) in TMPV2 are corrupted/scrambled into "Chinese characters" on send.

This started 2013-06-05. Initially the thought was that doing a compact on the data file before sending would fix the problem. CCMDB.mdb was updated as part of CCMDB.mdb_Change_Log_2013#ver_2013-06-10 to compact/repair to run each time the program is started. However, there appear to have been cases where the problem has happened even right after a compact.


  • Is this still a problem? Ttenbergen 09:54, 2013 July 15 (CDT)
    • This weeks sending, there were no chinese.--Srusnak 12:20, 2013 July 18 (CDT)

Occurrence Log

  • anything on July 17? Ttenbergen 16:55, 2013 July 17 (CDT)
  • Started June 5.13: HSC_SICU,(not sure why SICU affected), GRA_N3, STB_E5
  • June 6.13 VIC S4
  • June 11.13 GRA_N3, HSC_B3/D5
  • July 3.13 - STB_CICU & HSC_B3/D5:
    • Trish and Sheila have Resent the files from backup for:
    • batch 21 STB CVICU &
    • batch 27 HSC B3/D5.
    • Deleted files with chinese in comment in tmpV2. Lots of stuffing around today to do this.
  • Lois and Louise sent this week, no issues with chinese characters in comments in TmpV2. Resolved for now. \Trish Ostryzniuk 17:19, 2013 July 10 (CDT)

Pharmacy Duplication??


  • "will check with Julie how to handle more duplicate in pharmacy.mdb.--Trish Ostryzniuk 17:21, 2013 July 9 (CDT)"
    • I picked this comment up from somewhere else where it was written between chinese character problem description. It seems unrelated. Is this an issue, and if so, what is the problem? Ttenbergen 09:53, 2013 July 15 (CDT)
      • It has nothing to do with TmpV2, it has to do with resending files and how Pagasa actually handles duplicates in pharmacy.mdb or what the practice is.12:29, 2013 July 15 (CDT)
        • Is it addressed and documented then? Just want to be sure before I just delete it from here. Ttenbergen 13:09, 2013 July 15 (CDT)
          • Pagasa is back next Tuesday and will have to review it with Julie.Trish Ostryzniuk 14:26, 2013 July 15 (CDT)