CON ICU Collection Guide

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ICU Concordia

The ICU is located on the main floor of the hospital. Concordia has a 7 bed Surgical/Medical/Cardiac ICU.

The manager for ICU/PACU/PICC team is Shelley Munro. She can be reached at 661-7287.

Data Collection Office Room number: 041 located on the ground floor of the hospital in the staff education area near the library and lecture rooms. The data collector shares an office with the ICU educator.

Data Collection Office phone number: 661-7107

Concordia Collection Guide

The log book is kept on the desk in ICU near the clerk. The clerk is responsible for filling it out. It contains enough to fill in the minimal required data set.

The "TISS" binder is kept on the rounds cart. It has all the current green sheets for the Dr's to fill out. As well, the clerks will put all the TISS sheets for discharged patients in this binder for the collector to retrieve.

Medical records is located on the main floor. Charts may be borrowed during day shifts, and must be returned by 1600 daily. There is a sign out book at the front desk for all charts borrowed. Death charts may not be signed out

Chart thinnings: ICU has binders of thinnings for long stay patients. They are kept under the rounds cart in ICU. The surgical floor generally leave ICU charting/forms in the charts. The medical floors will often thin out the ICU flow sheets. They are kept in drawers on the medical floors...just ask the clerk for them.

For Concordia MICU ONLY: If the patient was admitted from the Orthopedic ward and/or had any Orthopedic surgery/procedure during their current hospital admission (regardless of length of time of current admission and/or if moved between multiple centers during current admission); then do include the Orthopedic procedure in the admits (tag in the last admit diagnosis code slot). The reason is that the Concordia Directors are tracking the Orthopedic surgery patients that are being admitted to Concordia ICU. We specifically make sure everyone who has had an Orthopedic surgery during their current hospital stay; and then come to ICU for another reason, will have a tag in the last Admit Diagnosis slot indicating this Ortho surgery/procedure. If the patient is admitted multiple times to the unit during a hospital stay then the same ortho procedure/surgery is included as the last admit diagnosis each time. Mlaporte 14:36, 2014 February 3 (CST)

WiFi connection

The data collection office, library, medical records and one of the medical floors have wi-fi (ICU does not). I can connect to webmail and the wiki from these areas. Marie 16:09, 2012 November 26 (EST)