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Revision as of 18:25, 2016 April 14 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs) (clean-up and a question)
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The HR field is used to collect a patient's heart rate. The unit used is beats per minute.

Select which ever value gives you the highest score. When in atrial fibrillation, do not use this Template:Discussion which "this"? Ttenbergen 18:25, 2016 April 14 (CDT) rate, use the ventricular rate.

Refer to General Collection Guidelines for Apache II#When to collect, which value to use for how and when to collect this.

For direct transfers to Medicine via the ER use the first HR taken and recorded on the Triage record.

Template:CCMDB Data Integrity Checks

  • Must be (>=10 And <=250)