ACP Status collection in ICU
This article is about collecting the "ACP Status" temp entry.
We collect ACP status as a quality indicator that reflects documentation (e.g. completed ACP form or Admitting Orders) and discussion of goals of care for all patients admitted to ICU.
Collection Instructions
For each ICU patient, an initial "ACP Status" and "ACP Source" entry will be automatically added. Add additional pairs of entries for additional ACP documentation.
- for each ACP documentation, change
- Project ACP Status
- Item one of the following
- ACP R - full resuscitation
- ACP M+ - all medical care given except cardiac resuscitation; intubation either happened or allowed
- ACP M- - all medical care given except cardiac resuscitation and intubation; also if ACP M is written without +/-
- ACP C - comfort care
- Project ACP Source [for Location of ACP documentation]
- Item one of the following
- Form and Orders
- choose this item if the ACP status and Date are the same on both the ACP Form and the ICU Admitting Orders (see below for sample forms). Otherwise, enter a new ACP documentation with different ACP status or date.
- Form
- Orders
- other - with this option only, put in tmp comment what other place you obtain ACP status date from is none of the above.
- Form and Orders
- Date: date filled out, or check checkbox if no date
- Same date filled out for both Project ACP and ACP Source
- Date is used as the identifier for each ACP documentation.
- Date prior to ICU admission must be during the same hospitalization (e.g. ACP status documented by ER, or ward or in prior ICU for transferred patients).
- Date and ACP status for prior hospitalizations are not to be collected (not included) in this project.
- Once a pt arrives in the ICU who was previously an inpatient on the ward, do you want the previous ACP status before the ICU admission documented or do we just start with the first ACP status decided on admission to the ICU and then any documented changes thereafter? For example if a pt was "R" on the ward and on arrival to the ICU after discussion, it is changed to "M-": should I put the "R" and the "M-", or just start with the "M-" and document any changes after that? Because this project relates to the ICU admission, I just wanted this clarified. --LKolesar 13:40, 2016 May 4 (CDT)
If there is no ACP documentation
For patients who had no ACP documentation during their stay, enter as follows:
- Project ACP Status - delete this line
- Project ACP Source
- Item not documented
If care has been discontinued
If the pt has care as been discontinued, do not automatically change the ACP to C. Only add a new pair of records if there is a new documented ACP status on chart.
If ACP-M is documented without +/-
If ACP M is just written with no qualifiers then one would classify as ACP M-.
WRHA guidelines / forms
- WRHA ACP Guidelines/workbook
- WRHA Advance Care Policy
- Example of WRHA ACP FORM
- Example of Admitting Orders for ICU
Start and stop date
- First ACP Collection Start Date: 2015-AUG-10
- Date with complete data across all sites: 2015-SEP-1
- Date that ACP status documented in chart closest to ICU ADMIT and ICU END. Start to collect dates on: 2016-APR-8
- Revised ACP Collection Start Date: 2016-May-01
- Stop Date: none
Template:CCMDB Data Integrity Checks
Check will be run at sending time. If a patient exists who
- pt is ICU pt
- RecordStatus is complete
- there is not at least one entry in tmp with project = "ACP Source"
then won't be able to send.
Implemented as query s_tmp_ACP in [[]]
Data use / Reporting and Analysis
- The Critical Care QI team expects the following data from this project
- Variables: ACP Status, Date of ACP form/Order and Source of ACP documentation
- The 3 variables collected at 3 time periods
- Prior to ICU during the same hospitalization. This would pertain to ACP status documented by emergency or ward or in prior ICU for transferred patients. Would not included prior ACP status for prior hospitalizations.
- At time of ICU admission (first documentation with new order or ACP form after or at ICU admission)
- At time of ICU discharge (last documentation with new order or ACP form prior to ICU d/c)
- The expected outcome:
- % of patient with and without documented ACP during ICU
- Type of timing of ACP documentation
- The sources of ACP documentation
- Level of care at both admission and discharge
- % having ACP R on admission and discharge
- % of patients with no change in level of care during ICU
- % of patients with change in level of care during ICU
- % having ACP status determined during ICU stay
- % having ACP change with decreased intensity
- % having ACP change with increased intensity
- Level of care at the time of ICU death
- Level of care at the time of discharge for survived patients
- the data are saved in table L_TmpV2 under project "ACP at admit / ACP at end" of the centralized_data.mdb
- the SAS program that reads the data can be found in X:\Julie\SAS_CFE\CFE_macros\
Patients admitted prior to August 10
I spoke with Julie about this and she said to put in the ACP status on all your patients if it is not too much trouble when you have the charts. If you have finished reviewing charts and they are complete, don’t bother going back to look for the ACP status. There will probably be a week transition period given before she starts gleaning this data to give us time to get used to collecting this information. Hope this helps. Laura
Name of Tmp entry
The names were shortened for better usability:
- "ACP Status at admit" -> "ACP at admit"
- "ACP Status at end" -> "ACP at end"
Date collection
2016-APR-08-Record the DATE in TMP when ACP status was documented on patients chart.
change to collect each ACP documentation form rather than beginning and ending status Ttenbergen
new started 2016-May-01, old discontinued 2016-May-04
old Coding Instructions
When you enter a new ICU patient two records will be automatically generated in the tmp table:
- for each of ACP at admit
- Record the closest date when ACP status was documented in the chart at time of ICU admission. Date can be before of after ICU admission.
- ACP at end (end of ICU: at discharge, transfer or death).
- Record the closest date that ACP status was documented in the chart at time of ICU discharge, transfer or death.
- if status has not changed, use same date as for status at admit
If a date can not be found in documents from this hospitalization, leave it blank but put a check in the checkbox.
For each of the two enter one of the following options:
- ACP C - comfort care
- ACP R - full resuscitation
- ACP M+ - all medical care given except cardiac resuscitation; intubation either happened or allowed
- ACP M- - all medical care given except resuscitation and intubation
- ACP n/a - no documented ACP on the chart (ie don't code as ACP-R) (leave date blank and check checkbox)
Do not fill numbers, not used for this project
If care has been discontinued
If the pt has care as been discontinued, do not automatically change the ACP to C. Use the last documented ACP status on chart for the end of ICU stay.
If documented elsewhere
If the ACP status is clearly mentioned in the MD's IPN note, then I will use this as the ACP status, even if it is not written in the orders or checked off on the Level of Care document at the front of the patient's chart. Are other people collecting this way as well?Mlagadi 07:27, 2016 April 11 (CDT)
What if ACP-M is documented without +/-?
If ACP M is just written with no qualifiers then one would classify as ACP M-.
See also
see Comfort Care for collection of similar info in Medicine