Finding a patient in EPR
Instructions to find a patient in the EPR:
- If not already open, open EPR: on desktop, open "My Citrix Apps", then EPR Gateway
- Click "File" then "Find Patient" then enter one of following:
- PHIN on the Quick ID and Insurance ID in ID Type
- chart number on the Quick ID and for ID Type use "MRN-" with your hosp postfix
- Note for Stb you have to add "0" then the chart number then Search, for other sites you don't need to do that.
- site location on the IDlocation
- then Search
- Once you get patient name highlighted it then click Shows visits
- Click the "date of admission" you want to see, then click "OK"
- Click "Registration" then "Visit Location" then "Location History" will pop up the admission of the patient