Category:ICD10 Dx check
Category:Data Integrity Checks involving ICD10 diagnoses. See Category:Old dx check for similar checks in Category:Diagnosis Coding (old) coding schema.
Pages in category "ICD10 Dx check"
The following 46 pages are in this category, out of 46 total.
- Can't check ICD10 ARF vs APACHE ARF
- Check CRF vs ARF across multiple encounters
- Check if awaiting code is primary dx then Transfer Ready DtTm must be equal to Arrive DtTm
- Check Inf Antibiotic resistance must have pathogen or Infection with implied pathogen
- Check Inf Infection with implied pathogen must not have a pathogen combined code
- Check Renal Tasks
- Check VAP acquired only first encounter
- Controlling Dx Type for ICD10 codes
- Query check AIDS vs HIV
- Query check ApARF CRF
- Query check CCI ICD10 Dialysis no Dx
- Query check CCI TISS CAM positive vs Dx
- Query check dx primary lowest priority
- Query check dx primary not exactly one
- Query check eliminated ICD10
- Query check hernia type vs complication
- Query check ICD10 awaiting has Transfer Ready DtTm
- Query check ICD10 chronic vent acute resp failure
- Query check ICD10 CLI vs CCI CentralLine
- Query check ICD10 Comorbids Dx present
- Query check ICD10 Comorbids NoComo code but others
- Query check ICD10 date
- Query check ICD10 duplicates
- Query check ICD10 dx implying death must have appropriate dispo
- Query check ICD10 ESRD and AKI only if transplant
- Query check ICD10 ESRD vs AP ARF
- Query check ICD10 ESRD vs ARF
- Query check ICD10 ESRD vs kidney transplant
- Query check ICD10 Inf Infection req Pathogen must have one
- Query check ICD10 Inf Potential Infection must have pathogen or alt
- Query check ICD10 mechanism vs trauma
- Query check ICD10 needs awaiting if TR Dt and Dispo Dt on diff days
- Query check ICD10 only 1 stage of renal failure
- Query check ICD10 stroke
- Query check ICD10 trach dxs consistent
- Query check ICD10 trach has trach but no TISS
- Query check ICD10 unfilled
- Query Check Inf Pathogens must have Infection requiring pathogen or Potential Infection
- Query check VAP admit must be from ICU
- Query NDC dx implying death across encounters
- Query NDC Trach Dx TISS
- Query s tmp QASeptic Dx no tmp ICD10
- Query s tmp QASeptic tmp no dx