ICD10 Dx Checks

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Listing of ICD10 related checks.

edit page Status Timing Firmness Summary question who
edit page Status Timing Firmness Summary question who
edit Query check ICD10 mechanism vs trauma implemented hard check Traumas need mechanisms, and mechanisms need traumas (see also Template:ICD10 Guideline Trauma w mechanism).
edit Query check ApARF CRF retired always hard check ARF (APACHE) and CRF - Chronic Renal Failure can not be coded together for the same patient.
edit Query check ICD10 CLI vs CCI CentralLine implemented complete hard check Checks for critical care patients who have a Iatrogenic, infection, central venous catheter-related bloodstream infection (CVC-BSI, CLI) but no T17 - Central venous catheter (TISS Item).
edit Query check ICD10 date implemented complete hard check Acquired Diagnosis / Complication must have Dx Date or Dx Date unknown, other Dx Type must have neither, and must be Admit DtTm<Dx_Date<Dispo_DtTm
edit Query check ICD10 ESRD vs kidney transplant implemented complete hard check If there is a Past history, transplanted kidney then there can only be Chronic kidney disease (end-stage renal/kidney disease, ESRD), Stage 5, GFR LT 15 if there is also Kidney transplant, failure or rejection or unspecified complication
edit Query check ICD10 stroke declined hard check Stroke, NOS can not be coded with other stroke codes.
edit Query check ICD10 Inf Potential Infection must have pathogen or alt declined always hard check every dx in Category:Potential infection must have a dx in Category:Pathogens or Not an Infection (ICD10 pathogen alternative) as Combined ICD10 codes.
edit Check if awaiting code is primary dx then Transfer Ready DtTm must be equal to Arrive DtTm declined always hard check If an ICD10 code in Category:Awaiting/delayed transfer is Primary Admit Diagnosis/Dx Primary then Transfer Ready DtTm must equal "Arrive DtTm"
edit Query check ICD10 dx implying death must have appropriate dispo implemented hard check If dx is (Brain death;Medical Assistance In Dying;Sudden cardiac death (and died)) then Dispo field must be one of the Deceased patients options
edit Query check ICD10 ESRD vs ARF not feasible complete hard check Can't have ESRD and acute renal failure, except if there was a transplant during this ward stay
edit Can't check ICD10 ARF vs APACHE ARF declined always hard check Can't have ESRD and acute renal failure
edit Query check ICD10 duplicates declined complete hard check Admit and Comorbid ICD10 Diagnoses (except for Category:Pathogens or Category:Antibiotic resistance and Category:Mechanism and Colonized with organism (not infected)) can't be entered in duplicate.
edit Query check ICD10 ESRD and AKI only if transplant implemented complete soft check A patient who has an ESRD dx and an AKI dx is an error unless they also have a kidney transplant CCI.
edit Query check ICD10 trach dxs consistent implemented hard check Tracheostomy related CCI and ICD10 codes must be consistent with each other.
edit Query check ICD10 only 1 stage of renal failure implemented complete hard check can only have one stage of renal failure in Comorbid Diagnosis and in Admit Diagnosis
edit Query check ICD10 needs awaiting if TR Dt and Dispo Dt on diff days declined complete hard check Any patient with a with Transfer Ready DtTm and Dispo DtTm on different days has to have one of the "awaiting" codes and vice versa.
edit Controlling Dx Type for ICD10 codes declined complete hard check Some dxs can't be Dx Types Primary Admit Diagnosis, Comorbid Diagnosis, Admit Diagnosis or Acquired Diagnosis
edit Query check ICD10 awaiting has Transfer Ready DtTm implemented complete hard check Any patient who has code in Category:Awaiting/delayed transfer has to have a (Transfer Ready DtTm or Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry) on a different day than their Dispo DtTm.
edit Query check CCI ICD10 Dialysis no Dx implemented complete hard check If a profile has one of the #Dialysis CCI Items there should also be one of the #Dialysis qualifying Dxs.
edit Query check AIDS vs HIV implemented always hard check A record can not have both AIDS (disease due to HIV) and HIV infection, asymptomatic
edit Query check dx primary lowest priority implemented hard check The dx with Dx Primary checked should be one of the group of Combined ICD10 codes with the lowest Dx Priority.
edit Query check ICD10 Comorbids NoComo code but others implemented complete hard check If No Comorbidities (ICD10 code) is entered, there must really be no other comorbidities coded
edit Query check eliminated ICD10 implemented hard check disallows any currently entered diagnosis that has been eliminated
edit Query check dx primary not exactly one implemented always hard check There has to be exactly one dx per patient with Dx Primary checked, and it has to be an Admit Diagnosis
edit Check Inf Antibiotic resistance must have pathogen or Infection with implied pathogen implemented hard check every dx in Category:Antibiotic resistance must have a dx in Category:Infection with implied pathogen or in Category:Pathogens as Combined ICD10 codes.
edit Query s tmp QASeptic tmp no dx implemented hard check CC pt has QA Septic Shock tmp entry and no Septic Shock/Shock, septic dx
edit Query check hernia type vs complication implemented hard check any abdominal hernia complication dx must have an abdominal hernia type dx coded.
edit Query check VAP admit must be from ICU retired complete hard check VAP should only be Admit Diagnosis when Previous Location is an ICU.
edit Query check ICD10 Inf Infection req Pathogen must have one implemented hard check every dx in Category:Infection requiring pathogen must have a dx in Category:Pathogens or Category:Double duty pathogen as Combined ICD10 codes.
edit Query check ICD10 unfilled implemented complete hard check ICD10 entry with missing Dx_Type, Dx_Priority or No Dx Entered
edit Check Inf Infection with implied pathogen must not have a pathogen combined code implemented hard check every dx in Category:Infection with implied pathogen must not have a dx in Category:Pathogens as Combined ICD10 codes.
edit Query s tmp QASeptic Dx no tmp ICD10 implemented hard check CC patient has Septic Shock/Shock, septic dx and no QA Septic Shock tmp entry
edit Query Check Inf Pathogens must have Infection requiring pathogen or Potential Infection implemented hard check Dxs in Category:Pathogens (but not in Category:Double duty pathogen) must have either a Category:Infection requiring pathogen or Category:Potential infection as Combined ICD10 codes.
edit Query check ICD10 Comorbids Dx present implemented complete hard check All complete patients must have at least one ICD10 entry for Dx Type Comorbid Diagnosis, which might be No Comorbidities (ICD10 code).
edit Query check ICD10 trach has trach but no TISS implemented always soft check If there is a Tracheostomy, has one (Z93.0) ICD10, there should likely be a T23 - Trach Tube Present (TISS Item)
edit Sub Dx Checker implemented hard check Runs most Category:Old_dx_check, Category:ICD10 Dx check, Category:CCI Px check, and a few other checks for dxs
edit Query check ICD10 chronic vent acute resp failure implemented hard check Chronic dependence on mechanical ventilator should not be coded with Respiratory failure (insufficiency) NOS, acute
edit Query check CCI TISS CAM positive vs Dx declined always hard check Checks that each T9 - CAM positive (TISS Item) goes with an ICD10 code from Category:Delirium

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