Emergency Critical Care InPatient.

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Entering an ECIP

They are really just a special case of a Critical Care patient whose only Boarding Loc entry is that site's ER. See Change from Service Location to Service, Boarding Loc and Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry, 2020-10 EMIP changes.

"But I never had an ECIP code"

No one had an ECIP code. This sort of thing was not collected until now, and we used to think it doesn't exist. It exists now. However, since we no longer use special codes for these, no ECIP codes were generated.

Collection Instructions

Identifying an ECIP

ECIPs related to MICUs / under one of the Critical Care services

A critical care / MICU ECIP is a patient who was under the care of one of the Critical Care service(s) in the ER and never made it to the MICU (see EMIP for scenarios). See s_Cognos_Services table in CCMDB.accdb for list.

Such a patient will show up in the Cognos Report Integrator listings just like an EMIP patient.

ECIPs related to SICUs

A critical care surgical / SICU ECIP is a patient who was under the care of one of the Critical Care Surgical Service(s) in the ER and never made it to the SICU. In COGNOS this will appear in the CSS as a critical care Trauma service, or Critical care Plastic surgery service, or Critical care Neurosurgery service etc

A patient who is not under the care of one of the Critical Care services (see s_Cognos_Services table in CCMDB.accdb for list) may show up in the Cognos Report Integrator listings if they were under one of a set of services we identified (see "* Surgery /*" in s_Cognos_Services table in CCMDB.accdb for list). However, we have no way to tell a patient under e.g. a surgery service who then went to a unit (or home) from a patient under such service who should have gone to ICU but didn't get there.

  • a lengthy discussion was had re. SICU ECIP's which we have not ever had, but could still in theory happen. I am confident that COGNOS would capture these under the critical care service, the likelihood of this happening is very small, as a patient who requires an emergent surgery would go to the OR and either SICU/PACU post op or to a surgical ward. COGNOS should capture the critical care surgical service. We routinely capture the SICU overflow in PACU through COGNOS, SICU has not overflow in the ER Lisa Kaita 11:08, 2024 March 12 (CDT)

How to identify ECIPs in Cognos EPR Report

As EMIP, but with a Critical Care service.

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