This procedure is a part of CCI Collection via CCI Picklist.
Additional Info
- This item should be coded only when used therapeutically for patients with respiratory difficulties, whether on mechanical ventilation or not.
- Keep track of which days it is done, not the number of times within a given day. Thus, for each day (just like a TISS item) record it if it occurred at all.
Alternate CCIs to consider coding instead or in addition
Related ICD10 Codes
Data use
- Note that this is captured in both ICU and medicine programs, however, while we are confident in the ICU data, the validity of this data in the medicine program is questionable, as the documentation of prone positioning on the wards is very inconsistent.
Change from daily to count days
- When this was implemented in December 2020 there was discrepancy on how this was collected. CCMDB count days vs WIKI Count each. This was discovered after a request by SH on Jan 10, 2024 was made.
- as of Jan 15, 2024 it is now collect each on both the wiki and in CCMDB
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