Education Days

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Funding Sources

  1. MNU $200.00 per calendar year- an expense claim form is submitted to 791 Notre Dame (paid only if required to attend by the employer)
  2. WRHA Continuing Education Fund: $500.00 per calendar year - a form continuing ED application form is submitted to 650 Main S

Professional Development Request From

  1. Approval to attend form must be submitted to manager PRIOR to attending conference, workshop if they plan to claim for registration costs etc., otherwise you will not receive reimbursement.
  2. Staff must complete and submit the original form with manager signature, along with origin receipt and certificate of attendance, and conference pamphlet must be submitted by attendee to:
    • WRHA Continuing Education Fund
    • 650 Main St. 4th floor
    • Winnipeg, MB
    • R3B-1E2

Educational conferences, workshops, programs, seminars

Please refer to your collective agreement, article 2407- A, B, & C for more information related to Education Leave and Educational Development.

NOTE: Paid Education DAY (subsidy): Only Employer required educational conferences, workshops, programs or seminars are paid for by the employer as "paid education days." There is an "allowance" per fiscal year that will pay for tuition or registration fees, but not salary. See article 2407 A & B of your collective agreement.

Staff can do one of the following:

  1. This is only for conference or education days that employer requires your attendance
  2. full time or scheduled staff. Request a banked vacation or stat day to attend. You can still submit for article 2407-C reimbursement of registration or tuition fees.

Continuing Education Forms

  1. Expense claim form for conference Registration cost: can be found:
    • Also can be found on \\\WRHA\REGIONWRHA\SHARED\ICU_DATA_COLLECTION\Documents\WRHA_FORMS\WRHA_Professional Development FORMS
      • Please use expense code if necessary: 561520000 (Course, seminar, conference, workshop registration fees)for Staff Development.

Forms for WRHA Continuing Education Subsidy go to:Continuing Education Application for education Subsidy

  • please review the Frequently asked question sheet first
  • Part 1 is to claim for Registration and expenses.
  • Part 2 is Education Subsidy to cover unpaid leave work day to attend conference or workshop. Form must be submitted within 30 days of attendance. You can only apply for this subsidy if a conference or workshop is "required by employer".Trish Ostryzniuk 21:59, 2014 May 8 (CDT)

Frequently asked question about continuing education go to: What is continuing education subsidy?

If unclear about any expense codes to use go to:

All Other Forms

Other WRHA form can be found here at:

WRHA Skill development Web page

WRHA Skill development]