ICD-10, the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision (ICD-10) is a coding of diseases and signs.
The Task Team is looking into converting the diagnosis list to ICD-10.
- task to do this as been assigned and is being worked on.
Currently procedures are coded as dxs, this will need to change. We discussed a 5-bucket system for this. Template:Discussion I tried to find reference to any of this on the wiki, but could not. Does anyone know of any? If so, please help me prevent duplication and link from here! Ttenbergen 11:07, 2013 December 19 (CST)
I put the link to the regional server ICD 10 diagnostic list. Not sure if this is helpful or not.
\\ad.wrha.mb.ca\wrha\REGIONWRHA\SHARED\ICU_DATA_COLLECTION\Admin\ICD10_NewDXCodes_preliminaryList\ICD10_PrelimList --LKolesar 11:14, 2013 December 19 (CST)
We also discussed adding a date to acquired/complication dxs.
- What is the rationale for converting to the ICD10 system? Is it so that we can compare data to a universal system? How much is this going to be done and how will this bring value to our database? I want to propose that other alternatives exist. Another idea would be to fix our old system to include the list we already have of codes that are missing and organizing it properly. I see major problems with the ICD10 system for ease of entry and even the list itself is not user-friendly or system-based. Julie will also have major difficulty deriving clear information from the ICD 10 and especially the CCI system. I am currently working on a list of problems with both of these structures. Would appreciate feedback from collectors now that they are looking at ICD10 and CCI and trying to use them. --LKolesar 12:48, 2017 December 13 (CST)