Reconnect check missing L Tables content query

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Revision as of 15:32, 2018 January 2 by TOstryzniuk (talk | contribs) (minor)
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The CFE quality assurance query NDC_Missing_L Tables content will list any patient who

  • is not incomplete and doesn't have at least one entry in one of
    • L_Dxs
    • L_Como
    • L_Labs_Flowhseet
    • L_Pharm_Flowsheet

This query must be run daily by Data Processor. This is one RED flag to data processor, that there was a problem with the sending.

Investigation Process

Data Processor must:

  • In CFE, review SEND date and time for the batch from site location. The concern is that if one profile has missing content in one of the above, other profiles that had changes made and where completed and sent, could be missing any changes collector made to any table above.
  • have collector resend data.
    • if data is deleted, the processor to obtain backup from Regional Server ASAP and resend.