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Information on this page applies to the APACHE II ARF dropdown only; for the diagnosis code of Acute Renal Failure see ARF (Diagnosis)

Data Element (edit)
Field Name: Ap_ARF
CCMDB tab: not stated
Table: L_Log table
Data type: number
Length: single
Program: CC
Created/Raw: Raw
Start Date: 1988-07-11
End Date: 2300-01-01
Sort Index: 77

The ARF checkbox is checked/true if patient is in Acute Renal Failure as per the APACHE definition.

  • SMW

Legacy implementation right in the table

  • Cargo

  • Categories
  • Forms

Coding Guideline

For critical care only: The ARF (Acute Renal Failure) dropdown for APACHE defaults to "enter"; you won't be able to send unless you change it to one of the following:

Choose "yes" if the following conditions are met:

  • for 8 hrs consecutively in the first 24 hrs of admission:
    • creatinine > 133 mmols and
    • urine output < 135 cc

Choose "no" if the pt

  • has CRF in comorbids or
  • does not meet the above "yes" conditions.


Template:ICD10 Kidney, acute renal failure NOS uses "KDGIO" guidelines. Should this use the same? If not we should specify that in this article. Ttenbergen 15:32, 2017 December 28 (CST)

Data Use

ARF is one component used to generate the APACHE II score.

Specifically, double points are assigned for the Creatinine score if the patient has ARF . (see APACHE Scoring table#Physiological Variables)

Template:CCMDB Data Integrity Checks

Template:Discussion There should be more if we ever get Renal Coding Considerations (old) / Renal Coding Considerations for ICD10 worked out. Ttenbergen 10:45, 2015 June 25 (CDT)

See also

see Category:Renal Problem (old) for other renal problems