STB Medicine workload splitting
This page describes how work will be split between collectors for STB E5, STB E6, STB B5,and STB IMCU, STB_EMIP.
- The purpose of this change is to enable the three medicine laptops to collect on other medicine units for workload distribution.
Starting new location - Serial number
See: Start with NEW serial number at 150
STB Med a
- STB_E6 laptop-collector: p:Pamela Piche
- Site and Location options are: STB_E6a, STB_B5a, STB_E5a, STB_IMCUa, STB_EMIPa
STB Med b
- STB_IMCU/B5 laptop-collector:
- Site and Location options are: STB_E6b, STB_B5b, STB_E5b, STB_IMCUb, STB_EMIPb
- So far we are using sequential numbers for IMCb and B5b patients. We just make sure that we use different numbers so there is no duplication. For example if there are 5 admissions for IMCb you might use 150, 151, 152, 153, 154 for these. Then you may have 3 admissions for B5b and you would use 155, 156, 157. It does not matter which you do first or how many admissions for each you just need to make sure they don't duplicate. --LKolesar 14:00, 2018 December 5 (CST)
STB Med d
- STB_E5 laptop-collector: p:Debbie Page-Newton
- Site and Location options are: STB_E6d, STB_B5d, STB_E5d, STB_IMCUd, STB_EMIPd
Implementation Date
Template:Discussion Manager will need to fill out plan when it decided to apply.
- HSC_H4H page might be a good template. Tina has made allowance for laptops STB_MedA, MedB and MedD.
Template:Discussion will we be work load sharing the "EMIP's" as well? if yes this has not been added as service location on all the laptops it is only on the E5 "d" laptop Lisa Kaita 09:39, 2018 November 29 (CST) See: STB Medicine Collection Guide
- Yes in January 2019. Got missed. It is on Tina's Requested_CCMDB_changes_for_the_next_version#Requests to do in January 2019. Trish Ostryzniuk 16:53, 2018 December 4 (CST)
- I do not think it is necessary to share the EMIP's on other laptops. There are only about 10-18 per month. If we are helping out I think it is more of a priority to keep up with the current admissions and discharges on the wards. This is my opinion anyway. --LKolesar 14:11, 2018 December 5 (CST)