Grace Hospital Contacts
CCMDB Friends
- Medicine Clinical Instructor is Rianna Thompson local 70856 pager 204-932-0689
- Health Records Guru is Kim-local 70166
- Computer Help Desk Kendall Pries local 70810; an EHealth ticket # should be generated prior to calling K. Pries
- Health Records/Pt Registration Manager is Marusia Aime local 70167
- Telephone Problems including voice mail password issues and repair services E Health 204-940-8500
- Security local 70366 for those of us who lock ourselves out of the office on a regular basis
- EHealth 204-940-8500
- vacant position local 70460 coordinator supplies & services (manages furniture supplies)
- Housekeeping local 70198
- Val Myers Home Care Secretary in 2-011 also lets us photocopy/fax/scan when necessary local 70310
- WRHA Medicine Program Director is Angela Matwick 204-837-0777 local 70316 pager 204-935-2654
Grace ICU Contacts
Keys and things
parking/Facility Access and Support Services
- Anthony (Tony) Zak 204-837-0721
- Room M112, GGH. The office is in the hallway running outside ER to the north of the ICU hallway
- NOTE: access cards will automatically outdate if not used in 90 days; call or visit Tony to have your access pass updated