Kidney Transplant Coding Guidelines

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This page provides information on coding the recipients of kidney transplants. For donors, see Guideline for coding living donor organ donation/Guideline for coding organ donation after death.

Patient waiting for transplant

Whether or not transplant happens during this admission, code

Patient receiving transplant during this admission

ICD10 coding

The Primary Admit Diagnosis for a patient admitted preoperatively for a kidney transplant is:

CCI coding

  • Transplant is an exception to the normal CCI coding rules. If a patient arrives on your ward, as long as they had their transplant on this hospital admission (even if it was days or weeks ago), if they are still in hospital due to issues arising from the transplant, then you will code the transplant as an admit CCI. This allows you to code the ARF codes without getting an error.
  • Often, admitted patients will receive a peritoneal or hemodialysis treatment prior to surgery. In this case, code this as an acquired CCI. If the patient requires a hemodialysis treatment post transplant as well, this will not be captured in the CCI, as we only code the first dialysis treatment during the hospitalization.
  • To code the actual transplant (usually will be as an acquired, unless they are coming to your ward post-op), use "Kidney (T)", combined with "Transplant". As part of the procedure, patients will also have a ureteral stent placed. This is routine, and does not need to be coded as a CCI. If a biopsy of the kidney is done during the procedure, code this as "kidney (D)", combined with "Biopsy (non-endoscopic)". If a biopsy is done, it will usually be indicated in the OR's print out summary.

Should Past history, transplanted kidney be coded during transplant admission

See Past history, transplanted kidney#How to use this in regard to patient moving through their hospital admission

After transplant

  • Once a patient is discharged home post transplant, you should not code Chronic kidney disease (end-stage renal/kidney disease, ESRD), Stage 5, GFR LT 15 on subsequent admissions, UNLESS the transplant subsequently fails completely.
  • The transplant can subsequently suffer from any number of insults that may then produce acute kidney injury of any type (e.g. related to transplant rejection or related to the same reason as the person's native kidneys failed, or to a newly acquired cause of renal injury) and/or any level of chronic kidney disease.
  • Don't code: Immunodeficiency state, NOS, and Surgical follow-up care for these patients post-op, because these are assumed/routine for all transplant patients.

Transplant failure or rejection or unspecified complication guideline

  • This code includes transplant rejection, transplant failure (primary or subsequently), and others problems with the transplanted organ itself.
  • This code can be used for the whole range of problems with a transplanted organ -- of any severity (mild dysfunction up to total loss of the transplant) and of any duration (temporary or permanent).
  • If you use this code, you should also code the relevant past history code for the transplant, if applicable, i.e. if the pt would have qualified for that code if the transplant had not failed.

Prophylactic treatment does not indicate infection ( CMV+ or EBV+ donors or recipients)

How past data was back populated

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(based on 27June2022 meeting of Allan and Julie, completed by Pagasa as per email from 2022-08-26)

  • if an organ transplant failure or rejection code occurs in Admit, add this organ past history Transplant code in comorbid.
  • if an organ transplant failure or rejection code occurs in Acquired, follow below:
    • if there is a CCI code of transplant present (implying the transplant happens in this admission) or old coding of transplant present (prior Jan 1, 2019), then DO NOT enter this organ past history Transplant code in comorbid.
    • if there is NO CCI code of transplant present (implying NO transplant happens in this admission) or NO old coding of transplant present (prior Jan 1, 2019), then enter this organ past history Transplant code in comorbid.
  • if an organ transplant failure or rejection code occurs in Comorbid, add this organ past history Transplant code in comorbid.
  • ICD10 Transplant Failure or rejection codes - T86.000 (bone marrow), T86.1 (kidney), T86.2 (heart), T86.3 (heart-lung), T86.4 (liver), T86.80 (lung), T86.81 (pancreas), T86.88 (NOS)
  • ICD10 Past History Transplant - Z94.0(kidney), Z94.1(heart), Z94.2 (lung), Z94.4 (liver), Z94.80 (bone marrow) , Z94.82 (pancreas), Z94.88 (NOS)
  • CCI Transplant codes - 1.WY.19 (Bone marrow), 1.PC.85 (kidney), 1.HZ.85 (heart), 1.OA.85 (liver), 1.GT.85 (lung), 1.OJ.85 (pancreas)
  • Old Coding Dx transplant failed or rejection - 29.01 (post lung), 361.01 or 805.02 or 805.03 (Renal), 429.01 (liver), 430.01(pancreas).766.01 (heart)
  • Old Coding Dx transplant - 29.00 (post lung), 361.00 or 805.00 (Renal), 429.00 (liver), 430.00 (pancreas).766.00 (heart), 781.00 (lung), 851.00 (BMT)

Kidney transplant vs ESRD

CMV+ or EBV+ prophylactic treatments

When a donor is found to be CMV+ or EBV+, the recipient will often prophylactically be put on antiviral medication. This does not mean the recipient is, or should be coded as CMV+ or EBV+. Code only based on recipient positive tests.

Past transplant recipient

Past history, transplanted kidney

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