Desktop shortcuts for collection laptops
All data collection laptops should have the same shortcuts on their desktop. To make sure they are consistent, and available for all users who log onto the laptop, we use the Desktop install.bat to set them up.
- 2020_sept-4.20 - Allyson had same issue and had to spend some time finding files to put on desktop. The desktop install.bat did not work.
- 2020_Sep_09 - Laura was advise by Service Desk, that is a data collector is not on a laptop for 30 days or more, that they lose there desktop shortcuts to CCMDB, news and back up etc..... This has been an issue for causal or other part-time staff picking up on various laptops if they have not done so withing 30 days.. Also when they run the bat file to restore shortcuts, it appear to not work either. Some have spent hours to find the files they need to do their work.
I tried to follow these instructions on restoring the shortcuts, but it did not work. I ended up talking to ehealth and they have a group there who specialize in shortcuts and they were able to help me. I referred them to this page on the wiki to see what shortcuts we needed and they were able to fix this for me.
Fix if any shortcuts are missing or incorrect
- Open the regional server
- use Regional Server shortcut if available and navigate to Maintenance directory
if the Regional server shortcut is missing: |
- run (double-click) Desktop install.bat
- When I had this issue eHealth told me to do the following (which is, I believe, the same as above but broken down in to steps)
- 1. Find your “x drive” and double click it to open it
- 2. double click region folder
- 3. double click “shared”
- 4. double click “ICU data collection”
- 5. Go to maintenance and double click desktop install
Shortcuts that should be present
The following are the same for all laptops
- ccmdb programs shortcut
- News and Backup
- Output Folder
- Regional Server
- CCMDB wiki recent changes
- Wikipedia