Registry Patient Type

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Collection of this element was discontinued around 23 April 2009 because consistent classification of patients was not possible.


The Patient Type on your registry page can take one of two values:

Patient TYPE-Medicine Registry
S=Surgical (MED)
●admit from OR & is under Medicine attending physician service's care
●admit from RR & is under Medicine attending physician service's care
NOTE: ►If there is surgical patient that is under a surgical services care who is in a medicine bed we exclude from the database. This is not a medical service patient
M=Medical (MED)
●A patient who is admitted under a medical service attending physician for medical reasons.

Critical Care

Note for HSC and STB only

Patients in MICU under MICU attending physician service are that are "cardiac" type patients should always be coded as "M" for medical whether they are stable or not. The only exception is if a patient is a surgical patient, then mark as “S” and in Var 5 put "SM".PP

New for STB as of October 1, 2010

Patient type for cardiac patients only will be determined by the service. Cardiac type means that Cardiology service is looking after the patient. If MICU takes over the patient, then Medical patient type will apply in these cases only. --LKolesar 11:15, 21 October 2010 (CDT)

  • I find for some patients it can be difficult to categorize into patient type. For example, a cardiac surgery patient that is transferred to MICU because of post op complications? Should this be medical, surgical or cardiac??? Under service type, the patient would be medical but they are a post op patient which will ultimately be transferred to a surgical ward. We need to clarify these patient type definitions if we plan to keep them. --LKolesar 11:25, 21 October 2010 (CDT)
Patient TYPE-ICU
S=Surgical (ICU)
●admit from OR
●admit from RR
●all Trauma (fall, MVA, stabbing, etc)
●all burns
●all upper GI bleeds
●all intracerebral bleeds
●Pt who undergoes a surgery related to primary reason to ICU in the first 48 hrs of admission to ICU
●Pt admitted from SURGICAL WARD
●Pancreatitis admitted to SICU unit
M=Medical (ICU)
●Cardiogenic shock
●CCU patient - intubated
●pts that don't fall into Surgical or Cardiac categories
●Pancreatitis - M-medical (if surgery in 48 hrs then S-surgical)
C=Cardiac (ICU)
●Unstable angina / ACS
●post angio or plasty (stable
●Pacemaker insertions (temp or permanent)

Why is this data still on reports if no longer collected?

  • Julie, we are going to stop patient type for all sites except for STB MICU/SICU on Jan 1.11......any thoughts, concerns, options? thank you.--TOstryzniuk 13:39, 28 October 2010 (CDT)
    • we won't stop Jan 1.11 because Julie is still reporting patient Registry Types and ICU's are requesting. The only quideline that will change for Reg Pt Type is for STB MICU/SICU. SEE: New for STB as of October 1, 2010 above--TOstryzniuk 13:52, 28 October 2010 (CDT)