S tmp table

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Revision as of 12:23, 2011 February 25 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs)
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The S_Tmp table contains the possible values for the L_TmpV2 in CCMDB.mdb.

to do before de-stubbing

  • Study - name of study for which this variable is relevant
  • Value - think of this as the "field name" for that study
  • Instruction - this gets displayed for how to collect the specific variable
  • int_var_label - shows up as label for the integer in the detail view; if not used, put "--"
  • float_var_label - shows up as label for the float in the detail view; if not used, put "--"
  • bool_var_label - shows up as label for the boolean/checkbox in the detail view; if not used, put "--"
  • date_var_label - shows up as label for the date in the detail view; if not used, put "--"
  • time_var_label - shows up as label for the time in the detail view; if not used, put "--"
  • complete_send
    • if box is checked in this column then that row of data will get sent to the OUTPUT folder on the Regional Server TmpV2_1.mdb only when the whole patient file is completed and sent in.
    • if box is not checked then that row of data will be sent to TmpV2_1.mdb each time any data is sent to the Regional Server even if patient file is not complete. Tmpv2 will fill up with repeated data for the same patient but with a different sending date. * active
  • location
    • gives location where dropdown should be available
    • use "All" if available everywhere
    • make several lines with locations if available only in some places
  • program
    • gives program for which dropdown should be available
    • use "All" if available for all programs