Education Days
Education days or workshops for Continuing competence for CRNM that the database program allows:
- full time: 2 events/fiscal year
- Part time: 1 event/fiscal year
Continuing Education Forms
Forms for WRHA continuing Education Subsidy go to: Continuing Education Application for education Subsidy
- Part one is to claim for Registration and expenses.
- Part 2 is Education Subsidy to cover unpaid leave work day to attend conference or workshop. Form must be submitted within 30 days of attendance.
Frequently asked question about continuing education go to: What is continuing education subsidy?
Please use expense code 61500 (course fee or conference) for registration fee. More expense code can be found on intranet:
- I printed off the required forms but do not see a place on the form to put the above expense code. Are you sure we need to put this on the form??--LKolesar 12:52, 2013 April 17 (EDT)
- if unclear about any expense codes call Hong Wei -WRHA Financial Analyst 204-926-7043