Updt all.bat

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Revision as of 11:57, 26 November 2013 by Bcloutier (talk | contribs)
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Regional Server\Programs\Master\ (full address: \\ad.wrha.mb.ca\WRHA\REGION\SHARED\ICU_DATA_COLLECTION\Programs\Master\) Updt_all.bat is a program that is used to roll out updates and changes to the CCMDB.mdb program files from Regional Server\Programs\Master to the location based folders on the Regional Server\Programs.


To roll out a set of changes using updt_all.bat you should be able to just double-click on the file on the server. (used to have to copy to local, but I think it works from server now)

A command window will display which directory/location is currently being processed.

Updt_all.bat will check if a ccmdb.mdb file on the server is currently open, i.e. has a corresponding ccmdb.ldb file. If a ccmdb.ldb is present the location will not be updated. Otherwise Updt_all.bat will copy the ccmdb.mdb from the "master" directory to the location directory currently being processed.

When processing is done, the log is displayed. Go to the end of the file to see results of the most roll-out.

Inner Workings

Updt_all.bat uses a for loop to cycle through a collection of locations (set locs) to do the following:

  • check if file is in use, i.e. a lock file exists
    • If so, don't process the location
    • If not,
      • delete ccmdb.20
      • rename ccmdb.19 to ccmdb.20, ccmdb18 to ccmdb.19, ... ccmdb.1 to ccmdb.2, ccmdb.mdb to ccmdb.1
      • copy new ccmdb.mdb from master

Log File

  • the log file includes a date, time and which CCMDB.mdb's have been updated successfully & those that were not updated because file is open and in use.

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